Hi Bloopsy,
I believe you! Your diagnosis will help you understand so many things about your life both past and present. And you will heal. Be patient it will take time. Therapy for DID is longer because it is more complex. And you will heal -- that bears repeating.

I diagnosed myself with this disorder when it was called MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder back in the 1980s and 1990s before any therapist did. I read a book called When Rabbit Howls and had a revelation. I knew that book was about me and I had even more parts than the author (she had 92). A woman from my Adult Child of Dysfunctional Family support group told me about the book. Anyway I had a lot of behaviors, which were typical indicators of this disorder, from a very early age.
It wasn't until 5 years later that I started to get the help I truly needed in order to heal. The previous therapists knew very little about MPD/DID so they were more of a hindrance than a help. Some were even down right dangerous in their handling of my alters. I didn't realize this until years later.
For me, it was difficult to stay in therapy at times because of my parts wanting to leave. They didn't want to address the issues at hand and felt leaving was their only option. However I stayed in therapy inspite of those reluctant, wayward parts. Thirteen years with the same therapist is unusual for MPD/DID clients but I am still here and nearing the end of my therapeutic journey. Then a new journey will begin.
I wanted to add that DID is a creative, intelligent and protective strategy which helped you survive an abusive and traumatic childhood. Congratulate yourself on your ability to survive what happened to you as a child. Give yourself a big hug, you deserve it.
Hugs to you, (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Bloopsy)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))