This is a different topic to my other post, so I started a new thread.
My ex has asked to see my son this coming Saturday. After refusing the contact centre for four months he has now suddenly said he would like to see him. I only have 3 days to prepare myself and I cannot stop shaking.
He has only seen our son for 3 1/2 hours since he was born and every time I have hated seeing him touch him. I can't talk to other people about this as they don't understand NPD. They all think that I should make a huge effort for the sake of my son. They don't understand that my ex is not normal. He doesn't react how any normal person would to anything. Even when he does the most God awful things he expects them to be forgotten as they didn't mean anything to him.
He went to the police after the first court hearing didn't go his way. He told them that I had been seriously abused by my father as a child and he was worried that the abuse would continue to my children. He told them he had seen my father abuse me recently. He told them that I couldn't have sex unless he pretended to rape me and that I would call him Daddy afterwards. This was his proof that his concerns were genuine. None of it was true!! Then he expects me, after I had to be interrogated by the police on these accusations, to get over it as he only did it because he was hurting.
He doesn't care about our son, he does everything as a power trip. The only present he has bought him was a stuffed bear that he recorded his own voice in.
What am I going to do? Why is it that this shi@@y excuse for a sperm donor gets so many rights when he deserves none? I have no qualms about the rights of genuine fathers, but he is bad through and through. I just want to take my son far away and never let him see him.Oh God, I feel awful... why do I have to go through this for the rest of my life? One mistake (meeting my ex) and I have to put up with him forever. I just want to keep my son safe.
Sorry, but I have no one to share this with who will understand....