You can do this! Think he is nobody (there is nobody inside himself). You're a good
mother. He is just a fake. Fake father, fake lover, fake everything.
I just want to push the idea of Vunil about diapers. My N hates diapers. But still she
needs to change them by herself. It might be one of the most terrible things for her. I
suspect that I can extrapolate and that it must be traumatizing for ANY N. Being a father, I
wasn't really excited about diapers before having my own children (I'm not excited
about them now

It's just neutral

). So, I guess your male N could be traumatized too.
If your child is thirsty, the N might be able to give a bottle and soothe the child.
If your child is tired, the N might be able to put him asleep.
Diapers... They need to do it. It is dirty. Hard to be proud of. They question
themselves afterwards...
Try to combine all of it maybe, this will give you some flexibility. If you son was
fussy and the N put him asleep and want to show that he is great you could just say
'Of course, he was ready to sleep.'
And keep the distant politeness (Great idea!). Your N will probably bring great gifts.
You do not care. If he dresses your child in cute little clothes, you do not care (you
can be proud and admirative of your beautiful child AFTERWARDS). Don't take
pictures of him if you can. Don't use your own camera. Don't promise to send
things afterwards. Don't engage if your N tries to bring old or new painful subjects
(you can say: ' No, I forgot.' if he tries to remind you of old stories. Or 'I don't
know' or 'I will see' or 'certainly not', etc...). If he says you're beautiful, you do
not care. If he says you're not (I am sure you are), you do not care. If he brings
you a present. Take it, put it aside (don't throw it, just put it aside).
If he says 'I would have done better if I had seen this child more', you could
say something like 'They are all the same'. If he asks you if your child is great,
better than others (more beautiful, quieter, stronger), etc... Just say 'No'. If
he insists 'He must be better'. Just say 'No' again. I know it is difficult for a
parent but in front of him, just remember that your child is soooo common.
You are not required to give more than the visit.
He is not allowed more than the visit.
He is probably more scared than you.
There is a limit in time.
About the E-mail he sent (I didn't read all the posts, I am not sure if you answered already)
vs 'How is our son?', 'Can you take picture of us?',... you could just answer 'I don't have
my camera' or 'Take your camera'. No need to answer the other questions...
If you think you made a 'mistake' during the visit. DO NOT WORRY. Take it as
something you learned. E.g. if you say that one of the toys is great, at the next
visit (if there is another one) if he brings the subject of the toy, just say 'Which
toy? Oh yes, I do not remember...'.
You will do great !
