Write, I love the stories about the broken glass and flooding. Im so gald you are keeping a good sprit.
Sounds like the storm is keeping N.O a BIG NO, the water wants to stay with the broken levy.
Jefferson where my BIL lives is still evacuated until further notice. The damage was minimal with a CAT 3 not the CAT 4 as expected.
On Thursday my daughter was saying good-bye to a girl going back home to LA, I wonder how far they got before the news about Rita was headed for their area.
The Huston area has lost power in some area affecting 6,000, lots of tress and power lines down, roads are not safe. People want to go home but advise is to stay away until further notice.
The areas were in a drought, Rita may make up for some of that with over 6".
The local area in Plano/Dallas, found people in panic for gas, hording the gas and the Wal-marts had batteries and water flying off the shelf..............like this will be the end of the world.
It's the People coming in from Huston and other areas that need the gas!
Along with the oil and gas companies being shut down I heard one of the largest makers of concreet was going to shut down with Rita. This will delay supplies for rebuilding damaged areas and will be a bigger impact then we may know.
We are dry here, until later tonight. ....................Keep safe ...............OR