Hello, CeeMee. I am interested in reading that book.
At the (gasp!) giant sized risk of sounding pleased with myself (which I am, and in no way does that imply superiority):
I believe I am a healthy person. Whether you would want to stand by me,I cannot know.
There a plenty of healthy people here on this board. People who recognize pain and want to know what it is and how to learn from it. This, IMO, is what a healthy person does. Healthy does not really mean "perfect" (which is not even human).
I admit to having a hard time with labels, and I have not read the book. But I had a reasonably healthy childhood and an exceptionally loving family. My path as a soul (not what a scientist would have a comment on, to be sure) has been one that included learning from some unhealthy people and circumstances, many (possibly all) of my own choosing.
Healthy as a label, for me, could mean anywhere from "barely functioning" to an internal peace nearing the disposition of the Dali Lama (now there is someone I would count as a "healthy mentor", but I will learn just as much from my miserable N ex husband, certainly).
On this board, many times I have nothing to say to people that hasn't been said, so I read and then send them love and move on. Many times I find the pain they are in something I cannot bear, or take on, but it isn't good or bad, it just is. I bless it anyway. Some people are stuck in pain, and very comfortably so, and if I can say something I think may help, I will, and if it gets through, great, and if it is misunderstood, or my method is clumsy, or they don't hear me, oh well. It's not my path, so I bless them anyway. I also get stuck, I reach out, I move on. Most of us do. That is health.
Pema Chodron is a very enlightened person, but she writes repeatedly about her personal "failures" to help (me anyway) see how very human and the "same" we all are. I find that healthy and reassuring.
Mostly, though, I sense love here on this board....fellow travelers noticing that each other's paths and pain and joy are indeed our own.
I don't know if the scientists quoted in that book, or even Dr. G would agree, nor do I care.
So where are these "healthy" people? Everywhere. Look in the mirror.