Hello all,
(((Selkie))) I sometimes wonder how I would have turned out if I actually knew my parents were rejecting me rather than this covert thing they do. Your mother kind of let you know loud and clear. I wonder if this would have just destroyed me or if I would have known that this was just so totally weird that it had to be her problem not mine. I can understand why you would have stopped chasing your mother's love. There is a natural inclination for a child (I won't call it a need here, how about natural instinct instead) for a child to want, expect, and grab onto a mother's love because it IS necessary for survival as a baby at least. At some point, it became apparent for you to stop desiring this for survival, because at some point you realized you were chasing something that didn't exist for you. I don't know. This seems like a healthy response to your situation. Why need and pursue something that doesn't exist? that would just lead to endless frustration.
Someone else above said that balance is the key. I guess I wonder if I have the right balance. But I am so filled with self-doubt that I don't know if I have the right balance for me. I just know it isn't the same balance as other people. However, I am concerned that since introverts are heavily outnumbered by extroverts, and in the US anyway, we are culturally discriminated against, that we may be telling you that you have a larger problem than you actually do. You seem comfortable and accept your balance, it seems to me. I don't hear the yearning in your writing that I feel in myself. This is just an observation from a possibly distorted point of view. I just raise it as a possibility, not a foregone conclusion.
Sallying Forth said:
I am also INFP, Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceptive which makes me a true introvert. I enjoy my time alone. I find that after being with a friend I like spending time alone. This energizes and refuels me. I find there is a balance between alone time and time spent with people. If I am around a group of people, for instance a church service, I find I need to go home and escape from the noise and become silent. If one or two people I need to get on my own to have some inner peace and time for me.
This is me to a tee, also. The only problem is that I think this means there is something wrong with me. My "progress" is I don't think there's anything wrong with me, now I think
other people think there is something wrong with me.

And I still care about that.
Thank you everyone for your caring responses to my verbal upchuck. This is the basic construction of the hamster cage that rolls around and around every night when I can't sleep. I do have a T and I told her early on that the reason I come to her is because I need to pay someone to keep my confidences, that I do not have a best friend to count on to keep my secrets. Oh, this is another theme--that anytime I confided in someone, it got back to my parents who would become very upset with me and sometimes punish me for talking about things outside the home. Yes indeedy. This is a big one. Just posting here is a huge relief.
Marta, this is also why I am uncomfortable starting my own thread. Standing right behind me while I sit at the keyboard is the huge boogie man that will club me and send me to my room for making family problems too visible and being repeatedly betrayed by my own personal Judas. Over the littlest transgressions and benign
opinions. For some reason, this little trick of posting within other threads makes me more comfortable. Childish but effective.

It's helpful that you call me on it and say, post away, you have permission!!!
do any of you ever feel this way?: I notice that I am not a joiner. That joining a group would define me. And if I am defined, then people would react negatively (notice, negative not positive) against that definition. I would also feel obligated to meet the group's expectation of a member that is, you may do this, you may not do that. I guess I feel the price of belonging is too great to give up my freedom. (Hmmm, family of origin issues here, just maybe???) To give you an easy example, when I am with people of one political party, I feel more akin to the other opposing party. I don't think I'm being contrarian, maybe I am, but I think well, can't both parties be right about things? Can we be individually responsible for our own well-being AND look out for our neighbor? (I know I am oversimplifying and hope I don't offend anyone with my characterizations). Anyway, i have this internal catch-22 that leads me to yearn to belong and be accepted, then reject the group for fear that I will be swallowed up. For fear I will be rejecting others outside the group as well.
Gosh, as I write this I realize
I don't want to offend anyone by being who I am. Sheesh!! At some point, I give up and say well I can't please anyone so I'll just sit over here by myself. My T says this all boils down to never having been allowed to individuate or whatever...so what do I do now?
I guess my bottom line is I just want to become more comfortable with being me...
If you got this far, thanks for reading!! MP