Author Topic: I don't feel ANGER anymore  (Read 10015 times)


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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2005, 02:11:25 PM »
I grew up in a very loving home, but probably because of sheer numbers, we were not encouraged to express anger. As a result, most of us have issues surrounding confrontation and appropriate anger, and I think we were all ill equipped to deal with "not nice" in the world.

Anger is the one thing I continually struggle with, and I am certain that is why I had kids with a big N-ass! He routinely pushes and harrasses and otherwise does what he can to get whatever he wants from me and the children, and as a bonus, he knows I will feel anger about it. If I shared the daily legal, financial, and emotional bullying and BS this guy hands out, you all would want to hurt him, I am sure.  I don't bother sharing that much though, as it's soooo redundant, I would have to call it the "a**hole report", and it would get really boring (after initially being appalled), unless I could get Jon Stewart to host it, and then it would be a hit.

I believe this struggle continues so that I will learn HOW to BE angry, USE the anger to grow and understand myself better. I need to be aware of this day in and day out. It is exhausting. But because I have to practice ALL the freakin' time because of this guy....I am getting pretty good at identifying what it is that is making me angry (usually my boundaries being violated), doing what I can to protect and assert myself (another thing I have recently learned), and then (and I am certain this irritates the hell out of him...which is a bonus) I move on....and focus on NOT HIM or that thing he just did to piss me off!!

I think all those years of trying to stuff and avoid and put a happy face on anger just set me up for the "lesson of all lessons".  Heck, I couldn't learn it in little I got the big, in my face conflict as a gift from the universe so I could finally figure it all out. 
I still wish he would fall off the face of the earth, believe me, I don't go around saying "yahoo, I get to deal with a**hole again today" but I can at least believe that this "challenge" was meant to be the making of me.

I no longer cry when dealing with authority figures (used to cry over everything with administrators....everything) I no longer stay up all night long crying about things, I no longer snap at my children (ok, that's not totally true, but at least it's appropriate) and when I get angry I step outside of myself before I have a meltdown and LOOK at it!  What's it about? Usually, I can process it internally before I do something too stupid and then, the best by product is, I hardly ever carry around anger with me anymore. I DEAL with it, then leave it, drop it and move along. It's the best revenge when dealing with pain mongers I have ever found.


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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2005, 02:26:29 PM »
Too funny!!  Seroiusly , I was cracking up.  That is another benefit of getting in touch with your anger....comedy!!  With this much humor to spread around , I think you should write the daily a__hole report and we would all laugh and applaud daily.  Too funny.  Thanks for the laugh.


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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2005, 05:36:43 PM »
Hi all:

I think our feelings need to be matter what they are.   They are not meant to be caged or repressed and they can't be pushed either.  To me....they are like a box full of butterflies (or wasps) and when the lid is opened.....and they are allowed to fly out...they either attract others to their beauty or sting or even ...just spread pollen.

I feel just as bunged up if I'm thrilled about something and have no outlet to release my joy as I do if I'm livid and have no way to get my rage out.

I guess I'm lucky.  I have my music.  My art.  My pets.  I don't give a hoot if anyone ever appreciates what I create or thinks I'm wacko for relying on my animals or a few strings......and I'm almost too shy to share eg. music with anyone because it does many of my inner thoughts and deep feelings.  I say almost because I do share with some people and they tell me how wonderful I am and how talented and all that junk and I try to be polite and pleasant and I am grateful for such kind words.....

But really....I don't feel so talented.  I just lettttter fly through my fingers and my vocal chords or a paint brush or by hacking up bits of tile and gluing them to wood or by chopping pieces of fabric (I have a bigggggggg fabric problem) and attaching them to each other in very odd but sometimes attractive ways.  It's a gift?  I guess so.  Not every one does it but I'm convinced everyone caaaaaaaannnnnnn do some of least.  Everyone has gifts.  I truly believe that.

But it's a scary thing to do....transform your feeling into something material...concrete ...even liquid. reveal them to someone else.  Especially those not so nice feelings.   Suddenly I'm naked....transparent and I don't share that with just anyone.  That just doesn't feel like feels like a release.  I guess I'm just careful, most of the time, about where and with whom I release my feelings.  That's probably ok too because who feels like being so open to just anyone anyway?  We all have our own comfort level, I think, and there is no wrong about it.

I admire musicians who publish their stuff and artists who put their work on display. Mine is very private.  I'm too chicken to show it to the world.  Or too greedy...maybe I want it mostly for myself and those I trust.  As proof that something good can come from something not so good.  And to's all good.  I don't keep it if I don't like it.  (Boy......does that feel like the N statement of a life time!!!).

Also.......I have physical outlets.  I walk a lot.  When I was younger I was very active and as a kid....always playing, running, going....and this helped/helps me to keep from getting all bunged up. (which makes me wonder about all this ADdddhdddad poola because it just seems kids don't get the opportunity to do so much of that running and going and playing as they used to.  For one thing....parents almost have to sit and watch the whole process because it's so dangerous to let them out in the world to explore and for, pc's, video games, sedentary stuff......but I really did get myself waaaaaaaay off topic there...sorry). 

Now adays, my garden and my kitchen are often my new gymnasiums.  Every weed I yank out of the ground gets a talking to, if I need to talk and every carrot I chop up for soup too.  Weird maybe.  That's ok.  I'm ok with weird.  But it does feel good to know there are other people as weird.

We can all benefit by finding places to release our feelings.  I really don't believe we have to expressssss everything to a human being in order to stay sane/healthy or normal or whatever it might be called.  If that were true....I'd be a total lunatic because there have been times when I've been completely without human support and I have managed to get it all out anyway.

My I've said a wonderful therapist.  She is wise and never puts me down.  She doesn't agree or disagree....she just listens and gives me understanding looks and licks my hand (love) or she leans against me (love).

Still.......connecting with people is great too.....if one can find a person they feel comfortable with...that's wonderful!  I've been lucky there my life.  I seem to find those people....eventually and haven't given up hope that that will happen when I find myself alone.

But these are all learned responses (even learning to trust that there will be someone to connect with).  I learned to go write it down or find an instrument of release. I learned to talk to a friend or take a bubble bath.  I don't know how I learned I just know I did.  I'm lucky I've learned all that or I'd be a total wreck by now, I'm sure.  And like everyone....I'm still learning.

As you say, Bliz, these are coping mechanisms but I fail to see that they are not good.  A pounding on a good bongo drum has never hurt me yet and truly...has done me a world of good.  These outlets are often suggested by the mental health professionals as positive ways to channel feelings and I believe that is good advice.

Not everyone learned to do that in childhood....or chose that.  Everyone reacts in their own way to stress and either finds a way to deal with it or perishes.  I don't think roaring at the lions in their den was acting out.  I think it was speaking up.  I think it was my way of releasing my feelings......even if it did cause me more physical agony.  It kept my brain from going into deep freeze....or splitting into different personalities
...or repressing thoughts...or the worst....keeping the lie.....being silent....or the very very worst....developing a hateful attitude (what I really, really did not want to do).  I have always been a busy thinker and have always known that no matter who abuses me....they cannot control my head or my mouth (unless they put duct tape over my busy lips).  Lucky I somehow decided that.  Not every one does.  But now I know.... I'm not the only one.

This board is a great example of a healthy coping mechanism that helps us connect with other people.  What a great thing!!  I'm so glad when I see something someone has written that is just sopping in emotion.  I hope with all of my heart that it helps to release the feelings.  And even though I've been so lucky to have some really useful ways of expressing my is really wonderful to do so here....

and not feel naked but rather.....clothed in warm comfort.

Thankyou all for that and for reading this very long blurb.

PS:  Bliz, I hate it when that happens....stuff gets lost in cyberspace!  Where does it go?  I wish I knew.

I doubt very much your brothers sleep better at night.  Raging and being a loose cannon can't feel good.  Wallopping a bongo drum......oh yesssss........but attttttttt some unrelated to the pain person???  How could that induce comfortable sleep?  More you say.....there is a large festering puss filled wound that
needs debriding.  I'm soo glad you feel it as it comes along and I assume release it in appropriate ways. 
That helps to heal wounds.  At least........there won't be any need for major scraping.

 :D :D Sela
« Last Edit: November 20, 2005, 09:29:09 AM by Sela »


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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2005, 08:10:01 PM »
Just to let you know, it is not a perfect science and under a lot of stress, I may forget all I have learned.  I was pushed about 13 years again to really get more involved with people on a public level.  At the time I was leading a pretty solitary life.  Something made me do it and it was a very good thing for me.  It reminded me how to make social banter and let out a little more of myself in daily life. 

Somehow I had forgotten or better yet, had been through so much trauma and dysfunction I just collapsed into myself. I trusted very few people and those I did were probably the wrong people.  It took me years to get more comfortable around people again.  ONe thing I have learned that has helped me many a time when facing a room full of folks is, "It's not always about me."  SOmetimes I have found that very comforting. 

When I was in my more self-conscious days, I guess I thought everything was about me.  People were watching, judging, etc., in my book.  And some probably were.  But later I realized most people that you meet in your daily life are really more wrapped up in their own world than care that much about mine.  That has been very freeing to me. 

I guess the fear came from being "on stage" all the time as a kid.  You know loved for your traits and talents, more than for just being a kid.  At least that was how it felt. 

So what is the point of this long winded diatribe?  For me only, I know I cant connect and dont want to connect with everyone, but often I will find that occasional person you just run across in daily life.  You feel you can let your guard down a bit and share a little of yourself with them.  SOmetimes  being open and recognizing a fellow comrade on the journey of life, can be the happiest moment of my day.

SO still what am I saying.  I guess encouraging people as they heal to let their guard down just a little sometimes and be open to the day and  the people you may run into. I dont mean in a dangerous way, but just eyes open,. appreciating the moment.

Marta as guest

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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2005, 07:36:07 AM »
This may sound good but I don't think it is!  I make excuses for people because i can see their issues and I understand where they are coming from.  Thus my boundaries are crossed.

Hi Selkie, This used to happen to me too for quite, quite sometime. We are sooooo trained to see the situation from everybody else's point of view except our own. For me, the price for this habit was a chronic feeling of disconnection from the world, like who cares what does it matter kinda attitude, almost like depression but not quite, and the panacea was actually standing up for myself. That made me see the situation from my own point of view, and then I could get angry. Another thing that helped me was seeing that the Ns are way out of the grey zone where benefit of doubt is given. May be your anger is soooooo explosive that you are not even quipped to deal with it yet. Do you belong to any religious groups by any chance? For six months I was in a buddhist group and it was such a downer, breeding a false compassion, where as I have mentioned elsewhere i could not tell my N ex bet friend that she was abusing her own child, because I was trying to be gentle and compassionate.


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Re: I don't feel ANGER anymore
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2005, 12:10:15 AM »
I grew up in a very loving home, but probably because of sheer numbers, we were not encouraged to express anger.

Hello mum, aka Hero Member,
This sounds fishy to me.  How many were there?  Were you hiding from the Nazis and you had to be quiet or die?  Were you living with a fragile octagenarian who'd have a stroke if you raised your voice?   Were you unable to spare an instant from cow milking or goat herding or firewood gathering or quilt making to have a spat?  I don't get it.