Hi All,
Thank you for your support and replies.
I am so horribly confused about all of this.
I went to my counsellor because I was having problems with my relationships...
As some of you remember, I was in a very abusive relationship which caused me a great deal of pain and led me to this board and then as I got talking to you all and discovering the reasons behind this, I thought it would be good to go to see a counsellor. I ditched my abusive boyfriend and got rid of an Nmale-friend out of my life because of the support I was receiving here and at my counselling sessions. I can safely say there are NO N's in my immediate Life.
I have never ever ever had problems with my female friends. I have felt they were a Godsend as they have always been there for me. I know if I went to them and explained how I was feeling about this, they would totally accomodate me and give me loads of love and understanding. I was thinking to myself last night that I wouldn't approach them about it because:
1. My view is a bit distorted, don't want to approach them unless I am 100% sure about what exactly is going on, and
Gail, I think you may be right when you say that it wasn't a concrete plan. I think what's happening may be perfectly normal. This friend is reliable.
2. I don't want to have my needs met, surely if I wanted my needs met, then all I would have to do is approach my friends about my sensitivies and they would accomodate them. So there is something there perhaps...
3. I may be imagining this and expecting it to happen just because my counsellor hinted at it.
I am not sure what I think anymore as i thought my childhood was a happy one until I realised that it wasn't...
It's hard to believe in things anymore as I am finding out that those situations I thought were normal weren't, who is to say my friendships aren't going to be tarred with the same brush?
It's a scary time.
Plucky, You are telling me to think for myself, and I know ultimately, this is what I should be doing, but I can't trust my judgement at the moment, it's let me down before in many many ways so I don't want to trust my self at the moment, it's too much of a risk. I feel like I need someone to tell me what's healthy or what's not! ...or maybe someone to help me see it for myself. I don't know what's what anymore!! ...and yes, there is something in all of this, I don't know what, but there's something very uncomfortable lurking in the shadows! I can feel it.
As for my counsellor, I think as I was trying to figure out things I may have said things that provoked her to think I was keeping my friends at a distance. I kind of remember what I said and I don't think what I said was right now that I think back on it. I will bring this up at my next session and get it all sorted out.
Mum: I am aware of how counsellor's can be controlling and opinionated, and how sometimes they can abuse their power. I am aware of this because of the horror stories i have read on this board and because of this, I have my radars out BIGTIME. In all fairness, I did say something, which led to my counsellor saying "Do you think you keep your friends at a distance to avoid this?" or whatever. If there is something that bothers me about her, is that she will drop a bombshell (or maybe I react to it as if it was) and not follow it up with anything. I leave her office with no closure on the subject, having no idea how to handle it etc... I don't think she realises that I react in such a way though. She may say something like that in passing, and most people wouldn't bat an eyelid, but I am blown open by it, exposed and feeling extremely vulnerable. This simple comment has affected me greatly. I didn't tell her I am isolating myself. I didn't tell her about my new found anxieties surrounding my friendships. I will definately address these at my next appointment
H&H Thank you for your support,
I have joined a local club, which I will attend for the first time in a couple of weeks. I do get out of the house a lot as I work 45+ hours a week. I don't want to lose my friendships, I feel like I am going to ruin them with my antics! I do have some sort of problem with intimacy though, as I do keep myself at bay. I know there is nothing wrong with being introverted. I am an EXTREME extrovert at times but then I go through introverted periods. I enjoy both times but I crave closeness.
Marta I know I have mentioned it in previous posts, but part of me feels like I want it to happen. That one friend did let me down. What I failed to mention is that her phone broke during her flakiness, and she is a bit of a party animal sometimes too, everything happened at once, she apologised to me and has made attempts to meet up with me since. Sometimes I wonder if I want to be let down... Am I wanting to be the victim so I don't have to commit? Oh Jesus, it's all too confusing...
I'm going to leave the dust settle on this one before I try to see it for what it is...
I hope I haven't baffled anyone into boredom...
I am so complex