Author Topic: The chicken or the egg and the D word  (Read 3495 times)

Sallying Forth

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The chicken or the egg and the D word
« on: November 28, 2005, 07:30:47 PM »
Which comes first? The chicken or the egg? I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place. I have a difficult time functioning sometimes on my own due to my dissociation. My limited monetary situation and isolation (my own choice and where I live, not my choice) also contribute to my current problems. I am currently on disability for PTSD.

So how do I step forward? If I cut off all contact am I cutting my throat at the same time? Or do I just do it anyhow and handle the consequences?

Sticky situation. And I've never been this way before. I've never been married before and therefore never divorced before.

I don't have the money for a divorce either. I know it costs money.

I do have a long term plan.


Suggestions, help, brainstorming, etc. would be very helpful now.

The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 09:06:47 PM »
Hi Sallying,
Don't panic!   I understand your fears. I am confronting some of them myself, for some of the same reasons.

You're lacking trust.    Trust in yourself to cope.  Trust in your judgement that this break has to happen.  Trust in the universe, or God, to support you in doing the right thing.

It's not going to be easy.  But you are not in an easy situation already.  Living with an abuser requires a lot of coping.  You have done that forever.  What a relief it is going to feel to be out from under that.  That alone will release lots of energy you can use to meet your other needs.  You are already much healthier than you have ever been.

You can get another dog.  You can make real friends.  You can do and think what you want without fear.

I am here to tell you that money does not make you safe.  Don't give in to fear.   You have come so far.  Keep going.  Think of all the nice things you can do and have now.   Time for yourself.  Space to make decisions.  Freedom from daily fear for your safety and the boundaries you need around you.

And think realistically what the possibilities are financially.    Are you thinking worst case?  The best planners think 'most likely case'.  Not to mouth cliches, but we are here for you.


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 09:28:26 PM »
Financial dependency is very hard and I understand it. It's why I live with an N.
I know that depending on your situation that may be only a few options, but I agree it's good to think as positively (and realistically) as you can...

You mentioned options. Do you have a way of having the rent paid, or a room to borrow during the transition? Is shelter an issue? I don't know what disability will cover.

Will check back tomorrow but send you strength tonight.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 10:46:07 PM »
since he seems to be at a distance right now, why not leave things as they are and not worry about divorce whilst it feels so overwhelming.

I know what you mean about cutting all contact, and I see n-h pretty much daily since we established some boundaries and seem to be getting along fine ( so long as I don't fool myself it means we can try again/ have a marriage  etc We can't. )

But if my ex was as nasty or abusive as he has been I wouldn't hesitate to cut ties- and I'm certain that's what motivated him into therapy.

He rarely makes me feel bad now, and when he does I feel comfortable challenging him and he is NEVER aggressive. Which is my number one rule.

Only you can decide ( hopefully with help from your Therapist who sounds jolly helpful ) what is your best future, but you don't have to make every single decision right now.

Like me you have an illness which can be isolating, but I have done lots of voluntary work/ singing/ joined a gym etc to keep busy and make myself meet people, and made a couple of really good friends- which I know can be hard esp. in America when we're all meant to be happy all the time, it's a bit of a taboo telling people you're ill especially mental illness; I lost almost every so-called friend when I let people know about my bipolar. But there are good people around who're not so superficial and will accept and love you for who you are.

Take care.

ps. I have gone from financial dependency to turning one of my voluntary experiences into a job and now a business; I never forsaw that when I was first single.


Sallying Forth

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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2005, 03:21:17 AM »
Thank you Plucky for your words of encouragement. I found out today that I will receive a slight increase in my disability check. That will cover the garbage pick up I just ordered and the extra pellets needed for heating. It's colder this year than last. I'm checking into SSI payments but doubt I will get much from them. At last count the amount was just over $10.00 a month. That would cover my monthly garbage collection. My medication is paid for next year by Medicare so that helps.

Interesting, after I wrote that I thought of this one person I know who might be interested in my house. I got dressed and went out to the mailbox. Who was there on the street riding his bike by me at the exact moment I closed my mailbox? The guy I was thinking about. This is happening a lot lately. The right person at the right time. He's looking for a fixer house and I'm looking to get out of a fix. I've talked with him about this home. He does renovation work so this might work out one way or another.

Right now I've got another problem - a possible eye infection. I haven't had one of these in over a year. Last time it was serious, in my cornea. I'm hoping this wont be like that. The moisture helped before but this year it doesn't seem to be. At least the doctor's visit is covered. The medication is not until next year.

Luckily I don't have rent only monthly expenses; heating, electricity, water, cable, garbage, counseling, fuel, medications, and food. That comes to about $600 a month and that does it for my money. My phone and internet access is currently paid by my h and sometimes my water. So there is absolutely no way to afford a lawyer.

I have information about a service in a nearby town which has low cost lawyer fees for low income. I'm going to call them tomorrow. As well I am calling to find out about the SSI which I did today and they informed me that I would need to call my local office.

I plan to take this slow - approximately 6 months before I move. The sticky stuff is the dissolution and divorce requirements, 90 days after each needing to be a resident in my state. So it might not be until next fall when I move.

It is fine when he's not here to a point. Like two nights ago on the phone when he kept talking away about himself for nearly two hours but never sharing any deeper than bragging about his accomplishments. Then of course that followed with his self-defecating attitude. :lol: He always follows his bragging with his bizarre self-defecation. Well not so bizarro after reading about CNPD. Makes so much sense now.

The problem is that since I am intuitive I pick up things from people whether I am physically with them or talking on the phone. I am only now learning that I do this and trying to figure out how to stop it. My t says it is because I am an INFP and very intuitive. It is kind of like when I can tell my h is lying or anyone else for that matter. These can be little lies and I know they are lying. The other stuff was talked about in another thread before. Difficult to explain but I'll say that what I "pick up" affects me for the rest of that day. It gets in my psychological, emotional and mental space. It is the person's sickness in my space. So with my h it is his sexual addiction and his N stuff in my head and heart space. Very yucky! Now I just need to get it out of there and keep it out of there. What happens is I get horrible insomnia and that is not good for my health.

Also I don't want to lead him on thinking everything is hunky dory. It is not. I'm not that kind of person and hate people like that who outright use you to get to their destination. Gee kind of like a N ... ugh! :roll:
« Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 05:20:57 AM by Sallying Forth »
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2005, 12:45:16 PM »
Difficult to explain but I'll say that what I "pick up" affects me for the rest of that day. It gets in my psychological, emotional and mental space.

it makes perfect sense, and shows you are doing the right thing in disconnecting, he is 'infecting' your life with his problems and negativity.

Hope the eye infection clears up quickly.


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2005, 01:54:21 PM »
Every time I read you lately, you sound better and better.  I am just amazed at what you have overcome and the progress you are making. 

You are thinking things through, moving forward,  and you already have a plan.   Your intuitive ability seems like a curse because you are near the absolute wrong person.  Once that is over, and you either shut him out (could you learn this?) or he is gone, it wil be a big plus.  I'd love to have radar!  But I understand there is a downside. You don't always want to be invaded by someone else's stuff.

But you are in sync with the universe!

You can do this.


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2005, 08:50:52 AM »
Since I have had the pleasure of 2 divorces which were handled quite the opposite of each other, I will offer a little info.  With my first divorce (26 years ago), I just wanted out, we had no children, I was gainfully employed at the time and expected no monetary help from him.  We worked out between us how we would split everything and just hired an attorney to file the paperwork.  It was very inexpensive and you certainly don't need some top notch divorce attorney to handle that for you.  My second divorce was very different, with 23 years of marriage, 2 children involved, my not having worked for 20 years and my much more advanced age.  I hired the best divorce attorney in town and made sure that I got a fair settlement, which I paid handsomely for--but it was worth it.

Since you do not have children with your h, but do have significant years of marriage and your own disabilities, you may want to consider the arbitration or collaborative divorce route.  Arbitration involves the two of you doing most of the work with the help of an arbitrator, but only one attorney to handle the paperwork and court time.  Collaborative involves both of you having an attorney, but the two of you do most of the property division, etc. with the help of your attorney if necessary.  Both of these options can only work if the two of you can work together to come to an agreement, but will be much less expensive than hiring an attorney to handle everything for you.  Only you can know if it is possible to work with your h reasonably and fairly.  I knew I couldn't because there was no way for me to trust him after all the lying he had done.

I hope the eye is getting better.  You are getting much stronger and clearer in your thinking and actions, so I have faith that you will get through this and move on happily with your life.



Sallying Forth

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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2005, 08:33:45 PM »
Since I have had the pleasure of 2 divorces which were handled quite the opposite of each other, I will offer a little info.  With my first divorce (26 years ago), I just wanted out, we had no children, I was gainfully employed at the time and expected no monetary help from him.  We worked out between us how we would split everything and just hired an attorney to file the paperwork.  It was very inexpensive and you certainly don't need some top notch divorce attorney to handle that for you.  My second divorce was very different, with 23 years of marriage, 2 children involved, my not having worked for 20 years and my much more advanced age.  I hired the best divorce attorney in town and made sure that I got a fair settlement, which I paid handsomely for--but it was worth it.

I have zip money. I wish I could hire a good attorney. Although I do like the low income attorneys which I have used before. They are very good and nice (to me). :lol:

Since you do not have children with your h, but do have significant years of marriage and your own disabilities, you may want to consider the arbitration or collaborative divorce route.  Arbitration involves the two of you doing most of the work with the help of an arbitrator, but only one attorney to handle the paperwork and court time.  Collaborative involves both of you having an attorney, but the two of you do most of the property division, etc. with the help of your attorney if necessary.  Both of these options can only work if the two of you can work together to come to an agreement, but will be much less expensive than hiring an attorney to handle everything for you.  Only you can know if it is possible to work with your h reasonably and fairly.  I knew I couldn't because there was no way for me to trust him after all the lying he had done.

My h has lied a lot too so I don't trust him. I haven't trusted him in years. He lies in everything, the little things and the big things. He thinks I am stupid enough to believe him. I've always done research to find the truth or have just known the truth.

I hope the eye is getting better.  You are getting much stronger and clearer in your thinking and actions, so I have faith that you will get through this and move on happily with your life.



Yes, my eye is completely healed and I didn't need to go to the doctor. Thank God and goodness.

Thank you! I do feel stronger in some ways. I feel weak when I can't do anything but lay around in bed because of sadness and despair.

I am finding that if I can do one thing each day towards my move and the divorce I am making progress.

I can't believe losing my beloved dog could open such despair. Yet now I understand the very close connection to my marriage. There was nothing in my marriage for the last 8 years. The only thing which made it tolerable was my dog. So losing my Behr brought on this truth and reality which I had known but couldn't articulate and realize until he was gone.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2005, 11:41:55 PM »
I feel weak when I can't do anything but lay around in bed because of sadness and despair.
Hi Sallying,
That is not weakness.  That is fatigue.  If you need to, go ahead and REST.  Store up that energy for the next episode.  And nurture yourself. Think of yourself as a warrior, resting between battles.  Give yourself the best food, drink, entertainment, whatever you need.

Maybe you don't feel like this...but you are an inspiration to me.  It is obvious that you are not weak.  You are one of the strongest.

Sallying Forth

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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2005, 06:03:49 PM »
I feel weak when I can't do anything but lay around in bed because of sadness and despair.
Hi Sallying,
That is not weakness.  That is fatigue.  If you need to, go ahead and REST.  Store up that energy for the next episode.  And nurture yourself. Think of yourself as a warrior, resting between battles.  Give yourself the best food, drink, entertainment, whatever you need.

I went through a bunch of really bad days and today seems better. Thought of going on antidepressants but realized I need to get back to church. So that is what I did again today. I went some place I've never been before and met new people. I liked that better. I thought there would be all local people at this church and found that wasn't true.

Maybe you don't feel like this...but you are an inspiration to me.  It is obvious that you are not weak.  You are one of the strongest.

Wow! Thank you Plucky.

The road is tough and I am learning to take it one day at a time, one task at a time. It helps to find this young gentleman who can easily do the things my h complained about doing. This guy even did them in the cold rain today. He's my kind of worker. Tell him what needs to be done and then let him do it. He is knowledgeable about repair and renovation of homes. And what he doesn't know, he asks a reputable source or does research.

Anyway he came here today because I have rats again! :shock:  That they were gone. However again my h lied to me about securing the areas where they come into the house. After the guy checked some things out he told me about how the back is constructed. Another lie by my h telling me the outside, uninsulated room is NOT open to the attic. It is. The guy could see right into it.  :shock: :o  Man o man does that make me mad!!! :evil:  So many lies ...

Makes me wonder what other things my h has lied about. I know there is a lot.  :(

Anyway doing better on one front and finding more crap on another. When will the surprises end?
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: The chicken or the egg and the D word
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2005, 09:45:43 PM »
I know that sense that it's never DONE.
But nobody's ever done, nobody's ever THERE.

What matters is only the journey, the walk, and you're doing yours with intelligence, courage and determination.

Your dignity is palpable. No rats or bad days will destroy it.

I was just thinking you might think of your h as just another...rat?.

You're getting rid of vermin and finding honest help.

That's strong and sane.

I hope you have a good week.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."