Wanted to share a small but important moment. My job is in jeopardy and my fear is raging about it (there are the usual threat to health care, retirement, keeping the hosue. If it comes to pass it would be my 8th loss, layoff, etc. in about as many years). I poured it all out to elderly NMom tonight and she was unexpectedly loving. It has happened on occasion before, and I feel especially as she nears the end of life, I would like to acknowledge it out loud. Because these moments are also real. Even though I get so preoccupied with her N side.
What happens is, on rare occasions when I am truly desperate and it's so visible she can't help but see it, and I am in great fear (a mini meltdown)...I'd say about three times in the last 6 years, she has seen me as though a fog lifted. It's as though the piece of her that is truly a mother, not an around-the-bend-N...comes forward.
Her response wasn't reality-based but it was genuine and I recognized it as real love. I am grateful. I told her I felt comforted by her caring and that she had truly helped me by listening.
I know the predomiant personality forces will have their way, but I want to sincerely honor the part of her that would, if she knew how, like very much not to be constricted by a psychic state that I know she can't help.
It helped calm me to be grateful, and there were, tonight...no hooks.