Hiya Seasons:
I think the messages we are bombarded with about holidays (through the media and even by "normal" people we know, who seem "normal", with "normal" families who "normally" get together with family on holidays).......all of that produces a longing....for that normalcy.
It's ok to want to have a normal family....to long for the connections.....to even try to establish that...by making a phone call and hoping for that kind of response. You didn't do a bad thing by trying.....you did a nice thing......that didn't work. You have to decide how many times you are willing to do that and not get what you want, before you will decide to not try any longer. And that will be ok when it happens too. It's ok to stop trying to get a "normal" response out of "abnormal" people.
At the very least, your sister is abnormal. It's not normal to talk to one's sister, whom you haven't seen or heard from in such a long time, and not ask one question about that sister, her husband, children, life or feelings. It's not normal to talk about yourself for 3 1/2 hours...to do all the talking....never interested in the other person. That's not a normal conversation is it?
So......Seasons.......you've acknowledged ...."she's sick"...... and you've said you feel:
... broken, weak, tired. I have nothing left again.
and you don't want to meet her or go out with her next week (who would want to go out and listen to another 3 /12 hours of her stuff........you're the more "normal" one!!).
Ok......what you need then is a plan......to reach that goal......of not giving in and going out with her.
Do you have an answering machine? Could you
Not answer the phone......let your husband do it, or the machine, when he's not home. At least until you feel better....stronger......have more of your own power back??? That might be the best thing right now?
She is over powering, and she loved to have me the victim, she knows I can't speak or won't speak up to her, I become a little child, and just yes her to death because I'm scared of what could happen if I don't.
Wow!!! She sounds scary!! Do you see her as big and scary? Powerful? Threatening?
Maybe it would help to spend some time visualizing... in your mind ...that she is small, weak, not the least bit scary. Maybe pretend YOU are bigger, stronger, more powerful, in your head. This will take some time and definately effort.......but after all.......this is just a vision you have of her, right? She really can't doooo anything so very powerful to vicitmize you right? It's all in her talk, tone, insinuations....etc. If you don't talk to her......don't listen to her tone.......reject her insinuations......she will be powerless over you.
And if you try to create a picture in your mind of her as less scary......maybe it will help to relieve some of the fear?? You might even get to a point where you no longer feel threatened by her power over you....because there won't be any?? You could soon feel good, ok, strong enough to handle her!!
Help me let go
It's a hard thing. It's so painful eh? How about just a little? Let go of answering the phone. Maybe you will decide that much? You can let go more....when you're ready.
help me not fall back into her web
Picture a small, black spider on a flimsy web......and a bird comes along and eats that spider up!
Or.......the spider crawls into a crack in the wall.....to hide.....to wait for prey......how lonely....how dark....what a wasted life?
The spider is not a very well liked insect....by a lot of people, who know what a spider bite feels like.
You don't have to let her bite you, Seasons. You can be a bird.......or just fly away, mentally, from her bite. You can stay away from her crack in the wall and not become her prey. And lucky you! You have a loving, empathetic husband and beautiful children!! Your life can't be as dark and wasted.
help me not let her use guilt on me
The way out is not to talk....listen....communicate with her at all. She can't guilt you if you aren't listening or hearing. It's just a tactic to get to you. You can disarm her.
When you feel strong enough......you can set whatever further boundary you decide. Until then....it's ok to work on your own thinking.......and let your husband and the answering machine deal with her.