Strange word, Theatophilia. When I first read this description in the Compensatory NPD I tried to think of an incident where my stb-exNh demonstrated this behavior. Then numerous incidents came to mind. This is about the strangest behavior my stb-exNh does.
Here is the psychological description:
"Theatophilia ["idealization"] can be defined as the desire to watch and observe, to admire and to be fascinated, to merge and master through attentive looking" .... "the magical force of the object [a person] is incorporated, identified with, submitted to, and merged wtih, with the help of looking, hearing, and being touched; one is filled with, gripped by the power fo the awe-inspiring object and becomes enthusiasticaly enriched"
When we used to watch a movie I would catch him looking at me while I'm watching the movie. I'd ask him why he's looking at me. He would say, "I am experiencing what you are going through watching you."
I've always felt icky when he would say this. And like the description says, would feel as if he was trying to merge with me through my experience. I had become an object.
Has anyone ever experienced this with a "N"?