Just chiming in with my two cents. I whole heartedly agree that N has a genetic component. In my view, everything must have a biological predisposition in order to manifest. Then nature and nurture together determine the final result.
Portia, I am so sad for you not believing in romantic love

Of course it exists. You've probably experienced it. Unfortunately, when it doesn't blossom into true love (reciprocality) the romance fades and later we even forget the memory of romantic bliss. 20 years ago, I told my date (it was our first date together) "there is no such thing as love." He didn't agree and set out to prove it. Twenty years later, I am married to the same man and we have two lovely children. I laugh when I think of how jaded and cynical I was about love (I was rebounding from a baaaaaad first marriage is all). Maybe you are speaking from a similar standpoint. If so, please know this can and will pass when you least expect it. That special someone could walk into your life at any moment and change your perspective forever.
Just a side note. Fifteen years into the marriage I was still giddy with excitement whenever I was home waiting for him to return from work. Now, I am usually in bed on the computer not thinking about him till he hits the door, but when I want to revisit that romantic blissful feeling, I pull out the old leather jacket he wore on our first date and during our courtship (it was VERY short). One whiff of that and I am catapulted back in time and it feels like twenty years ago all over again.
Keep the hope for love and romance alive
