Thank you very much for all your replies... I have read and re-read them quite a few times now and actually this morning I did the pencil between my teeth thing. Felt a bit silly, but then I just laughed at myself and didn't feel angry anymore... it just dispersed, a very good feeling.
What triggers my anger? Tiredness is a big trigger for me.... when I'm tired I notice I'm alot more irritable and little things annoy me much more, silly things like a towel that's fallen off the radiator, or some cards have fallen on the floor, or something equally as trivial. Another thing I've realised with Mum's anger, is that once I'd left, she wasn't angry anymore. There are no rages within the family like there was when I lived at home, which is another reason why I felt it was my fault. For years I've felt that I was the cause of her anger, and maybe I'm feeling more angry myself because I am realising that this is not the case? Another trigger is ndad's website, so I am going easy on myself and not looking.... I am putting myself first (what a novelty!). I can't say that this is easy, but I am giving it my best shot. I have had many years of putting him first, of it all being about him, and the only way I can change is do what is best for me. Does this sound ok? I feel quite guilty.
Luckily there aren't many times when people have been angry with me where I've bolted in the last 5 years and it's only happened a couple of times. My husband tried to block my path the last time, a couple of years ago (not with force you understand, just stood in the doorway), which had me bolting out of another door in the other direction. He wasn't even that angry, but I think because he looked angry it triggered my reaction. He was quite bewildered by my reaction at the time, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him why. For years I'd been saying that my family are ok
There have also been once where I blew up at my husband for something trivial. All he did was say to me "I didn't deserve that reaction", which was true so I apologised. But it also showed me how his reaction was incredibly helpful to me... some people would have screamed and shouted in response.
I love the idea of wiping your hands over your face, so am going to try this too. I understand that face touching is one of the most loving things you can do, stroking a loved one's face etc, so it makes sense to do it to yourself.
I am unable to speak to a large group, or even a small group. In my last job I had a very N boss, who has a lot of power within the company. I didn't have any choice but to leave, even though I loved my job... he made my life awful. We have the office party tonight where I will see him again because my husband works for that company, however at least I just ignor him now, but it resulted in me going red every time he spoke to me. I've got better since I left but I'm not 100% back to how I was before.
Many many thanks again.... if you have any idea how helpful you have all been, then hopefully you can realise how grateful I am.
Take care
H&H xx