hi, xenia, and all. sorry, no caps...too exhausting. surgery went well, thanks for the well wishes.
ironically, my attorney called me soon after my surgery to update me on the latest, lowest and slimiest thing my ex and his "how the hell as a mother does she sleep at night" attorney have done. (a new pet name i gave her).
the anger thing is huge again as it involves my ex taking advantage (once again) of my children's fear of him. if it didn't involve my kids, i wouldn't care....which is exactly why he does this stuff. anyway, too involved to go into, but my CHOICE has to be the same for any anger situation. i choose to process it, see what this is about (learn) and then let it go. ok, so i have to let it go every five freakin seconds sometimes, but i am determined not to let this anger become me. if i do, he controls me still.
here's the quicky ABC version, to hell with trying to write an epistle with one hand!
A: acknowledge and announce how much this hurts, how angry i am, how much pain this is causing me. loud and clear, to the sky, on this board, to a pillow...you get the picture. BUT DON'T STOP HERE that's the mistake i used to make...that's why i was stuck in anger!!
B: release!
intend to let it go....i use visualization....a collumn of energy (anything you can imagine that makes sense...teddy bears in a pile, a tree trunk, whatever) i use a flushing like waterfall....especially for the shit my ex gives me (get it?) i mean why would i want to hold onto his feces?
seriously, i would say that for most of us recovering from n's, it really isn't our "pain" in the first place...we are a pretty peace lovin bunch....it's theirs and we have traditionally had it dumped on us....and most of us are healers (thus the n's just come a knockin) so we tend to accept other's pain for them....but the n's keep dumping....
so anyway, i breathe in (breathing helps a lot) this pain (anger, whatever) and just flush it or drop it down this "grounding cord" which leads to the center of the earth..........where, it either turns back into love or simply goes back to whom it belongs. which is why (don't be surprised) the n's tend to lash out worse...cause they get to keep their pain...not my problem...
if you are a student of buddhism, this is similar to the practce of tung lin (sp?) although i doubt teddy bears is part of that.....
C: reprogram
very important!!!! don't leave an empty space where old, bad habits like anger/pain thinking can get a hold. reprogram your thoughts for what you WANT no longer for what you don't want. this is the fun part....thoughts become things, there are no thought police, so imagine your life as you want and DESERVE (ok, here's where the book should start because if your core beliefs do no support that you deserve to be happy, etc....well, you better start with changing that. and therapy is a great place,, imo.)
ok, how often do you do this? let's see, today (and it's only 7 am) i've been up since 4 am, and i've done it countless times. anger is important....don't squash it. it's telling you something's wrong. but it's meant to be a clearing.....not a habit.
Somemone said to me last night that he is in my life raising all this shit for a reason and he has lessons to teach me by his behaviour.
i understand this...my ex is the biggest asshole on the planet, but because of this, he is my biggest teacher....i learn how to deal with anger/my own power/love from this idiot. like the dali lama says: "thank your enemies" this is what that means to me.
anyway....hope my strange typing an even stranger ideas help even a little. it really does come down yo choosing. it';s your life...you get to choose how to do it...