Hiya CM
Yes I can honestly say hand on heart I answered her honestly. I don't hold any anger towards her because, the way I see it, she was just providing the N boss with supply. And because I know exactly what she's like now, I tell her stuff that doesn't matter if she tells the N boss.... like how great the company I work for is now, how brilliant our wedding was etc etc. She said to me that she had wanted to speak to me last year, but didn't manage too. I replied that because she was sat with N boss and his wife, I didn't feel comfortable going to speak to her, which is true.
N bosses wife is just as bad. Parading round like lady muck! Plus I avoid them at work do's because they are always the cause of a fight by the end of the night, either directly or indirectly, so I never had much to do with them out of work anyway. I can't stand fighting of any kind... just think it serves no purpose!
The N boss did speak to me last year, later on in the evening, to ask me how my job was going... but this was only because my BIL was there who is the director of the company. I just replied fine thanks and excused myself to talk to someone else. I felt quite empowered because I didn't have to be nice to him because I didn't work for him anymore. This BIL has a family get together the next day, and last year he asked me about my response... I replied that if N boss couldn't be bothered to speak to me unless he was steaming, then why should I bother... and BIL agreed. N boss has a lot of power within the company, but he only got to where he is because the company was very small when it started and he was one of the first people it employed. However he is a piss poor manager, steals other people's ideas etc... and he couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, so watching him organising 20 or so jobs and on site staff was like watching a comedy. The Project Managers would add their jobs to a big board, and put which staff they needed against them, then he'd come back pissed from the pub on a Friday about 4 pm and change everything around. Half the Project Managers (unless they were in the office last thing on a Friday) and on site engineers didn't know what they were doing then, unless they went in over the weekend to check. He should certainly have been nominated for the most useless manager

The general opinion when I was there was that he had some kind of hold over the director's of the company, but who knows how true this is... we possibly all know what office gossip is like!
Anyway, I've got off on a tangent, so apologies for that.... on the whole though me and N boss avoid each other at these do's, and in fairness I had probably put this other manager in the same category until she came to talk to me. But I know it's because she wants to be liked and she comes across as real nicey nicey, however I also know that I don't spend enough time around her to see her other side, if that makes any sense.
And CM... that's exactly what my husband said.... he was just looking out for me. Bless!
Take care
H&H xx