Author Topic: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck  (Read 2990 times)


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Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« on: December 19, 2005, 12:41:11 AM »
Hi All,

I finally lost it with my NMom and sent her a letter. Every year she lays on the biggest guilt trip about Christmas. I had called her to tell her that I would be coming to celebrate Christmas with her and Nsister and kids December 23, and would be leaving December 24, and that my husband would not be coming to he could see his parents. (After 13 years he has given up on being around her and my Nsister). She curtly replied that he should go see his parents on Christmas Day - I explained no, we wanted to be together that say, to which she replied "You see eachother every day" and I am "selfish" because I think about myself for Christmas, and she thinks about other people. All because I'm not going to be there on Christmas Day! I didn't even want to call her in the first place to break the news we wouldn't be there for Xmas - and of course, she acted as expected - a complete jerk. I sent her a letter which she will be receiving probably tomorrow, and I am a nervous wreck! I know you aren't supposed to tell N's what you feel about them but I felt I needed to stand up for myself.  This is the first time I have told her how I feel. I have started to set boundaries which has caused friction, but I am fearful about her reaction. I guess what's the worst that can happen? She won't talk to me anymore.....

Dear Mom,

I am writing this letter to you because I think it’s the only way I can get you to understand how I am feeling. After talking with you, I decided I won’t be coming up to celebrate Christmas. I tried to make a plan that would make everyone happy and instead of you being happy about me coming you turn it around and say that I think about myself for Christmas - that you and I think about it differently and to you Christmas is spending it with people and for me it's not.  I really don't understand how Dec 23, the DAY BEFORE Christmas Eve is not still celebrating Christmas together. Then you say you and I think about Christmas differently - for you it’s thinking about other people and for me it's thinking about myself. Aren’t YOU just thinking about yourself? If you really cared about me, wouldn't you just be supportive and be glad I can come up the day before Christmas Eve? I was thinking about you and everyone else up there when I made a plan to drive up there after work December 23, at night, after a full 8 hours of work!

Mom, when you act like this it really makes me feel terrible. Every time I make an effort to come up to Portland it is never good enough. I'm never there long enough, etc.  Now all you will remember about this year is that I didn't come up for Christmas. I can't get credit for anything! When I told you this Thanksgiving we weren’t coming up, you said, “You never come up for Thanksgiving”. We came up last year! I have told you in the past that every year this whole holiday thing with you is really stressful for me.  By the way, Todd has rarely even seen his family over Christmas in the 13 years we’ve been married. So what if he wants to see them Dec 23? Now if he doesn't come up you will turn it around and act like he doesn't want to see you! Todd has always wanted me to make certain I invite you down for Christmas and digs out your stocking every year, looking forward to seeing you.  He’s had his family down for Christmas once! Stop thinking about yourself! It has nothing to do with you!!!!  Why should he drive up to Salem on Christmas Day instead? Todd and I, as a family, want to be together on that day.

Speaking about thinking about yourself - 3 years ago when I didn't come to Portland for Christmas because Dad was visiting - mind you - it was the first Christmas I had spent with him in about 16 years, you couldn't be happy for me. All you cared about was yourself and the fact that I chose to spend Christmas with him. You couldn't be happy that your own daughter would get to spend Christmas with her dad.  What mother would not want her daughter to have a relationship with her dad? You say “he did horrible things” to you. That's between you and him! He hasn't done horrible things to me and has more than tried to make up for past mistakes with me. Are you really the only person who hasn’t heard the basic rule that divorced parents shouldn’t force their children to pick sides? It’s on every talk show since the dawn of talk shows, yet this is what you try to do to your 38 year old daughter.

Now, instead of looking forward to it, you have once again given it a negative tint. I just have a really crappy feeling about the whole thing and I don't feel like coming up anymore. There's too much pressure and too much sense of my failing because I can't meet your standards. What’s the point?  Yes, Mom, Todd and I see each other every day. But we are a family, kids or not, and it is important to us to have special traditions together. It's important for us to be able to spend Christmas in our house, just as it is important to you to spend it in yours, with as you put it, your mom, your grandkids and your other daughter.   If I come up and I have to leave the next day to get home, you will be upset because I had to leave, not happy that I even came up. In fact, next year, all you will remember about Christmas this year is that I wasn't there for Christmas! I've come up in the past the week before Christmas to celebrate and you even said that we weren't having anything special because I wasn't there for the actual holiday. It’s like you have this image of what a perfect Christmas means to you, but don’t even consider that others may have a completely different perception of a perfect Christmas. Can you put yourself in my shoes and see how that would make you feel? Do you care at all about what I am going through in my life? Or just how my actions affect YOUR feelings? 

I'm so tired of you insinuating that I am failing you. Nothing I do ever seems to be good enough. I make an effort, as in previous Christmas years, and it makes no difference to you. All you remember is I didn’t do exactly what YOU wanted. You don't have any empathy for my life. Spend a minute and just put yourself in my shoes.  I get up every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM.  6AM!!!  I don’t get home until 12 hours later, 6PM, every one of those days.  By the time I change clothes, read the paper, have dinner, it’s time to go to bed. That leaves me Saturday to do laundry, shopping, house stuff, see all the friends who I would like to see, spend time with Todd.  Sunday is spent finishing what wasn’t finished on Saturday and actually getting a chance to relax until the evening when I have to start prepping for the next week.  Spend a moment and imagine having to do that week in and week out.  Do you want to switch schedules!!!  I don’t have any desire to take 4 hours out of the maybe 20 free hours I have on the weekend to drive up there and then have you say it’s not good enough. It’s just ridiculous. 
So we aren't able to spend the night every time we come up! Last time we came up we had to get back in time to meet Todd's client - but I still hear about it! We came up because that was the only weekend we could - realizing that we weren't going to be able to for a while  - because we are always so busy and had to get back to meet someone who, by the way, pay the bills. Pretty important. But you don’t appreciate that. It was a long day of travel for us but because we care about you, we came up.  I don’t know if you just don’t “get it” or the fact that you don’t approve of the life I have chosen. I am a successful professional who most mothers would be proud and supportive of. I am just making sure I am never dependent on anyone else and am prepared for my retirement.  Most people appreciate that work ethic, but you seem to fault me for it because it means I can’t visit you on your terms.  This constant pressure makes me want to visit even less. If I could come up there and have everyone be glad to see me and appreciative of it, without any guilt trips, I would love to visit. As it is, what is the point? I will just end up feeling like I am failing you. Why even bother or make an effort when the end result is being made to feel like a bad daughter?

I have always told you are more than welcome to visit us here. It is much easier for you, Mom, because you don't work.  You have the free time that I don’t.

I love you, and I always will, Mom. I just can't handle your behavior sometimes.  I would be more than happy to go to a counselor and discuss this issue with them, because, frankly, I just can’t do “this” with you every Holiday season.  It just spoils it and it’s not emotionally healthy for me. I don’t think you realize that as my mother, the impact your words can have on me.

I know you, and I know right now you are reacting and wondering how I can say these things to you. Please try to hear what I am saying!  What if grandma did this to you? How would you feel? How would you feel if when I was growing up you told grandma that it was important for the four of us to celebrate Christmas together in our own home and she told you that you view Christmas as thinking about yourself because you weren’t spending the actual day with her? Think about if you offered to celebrate it a little earlier with her? Wouldn’t that be unfair of her?

It makes me very sad that we can't spend the holidays together, but I cannot do this this year.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 12:56:51 AM by KateW »


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 01:07:47 AM »
Hi Kate,
'm glad you wrote the letter.  If she doesn't get it, and let's be real, she won't ! so what.  You got it off your chest.   You articulated your feelings.  And you took a stand.
NOW you can have a happy Christmas.


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 01:50:19 AM »

I think this will be a turning point in your relationship with your mother. Not that she will change, but you and your relationship with her will certainly change.  Here's to new beginnings.............



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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 01:52:29 AM »

Congratulations to you for taking a stand and expressing yourself.  Doesn't matter whether she gets it, you have exercised your right to let her hear your voice.  Good for you.  I know that feeling of fear.  We can be conditioned from childhood to censor ourselves for fear of making mommy angry, but the best way to break that nasty habit is to speak up.  The first time is always hardest and scariest.  Writing a letter is a good way to go the first time around.  You'd be surprised, after you've done it a few times it gets a lot easier.  After a while the tables turn and she may actually be hyper careful not to even appear to be taking liberties such as deciding when and with whom you should spend the holidays.

You sound like a very loving daughter despite your moms ways.  Good for you.  Now stop torturing yourself.  

The holidays are always difficult in my family as well for trying to make everybody happy.  My husband and I have made it our own nuclear family tradition to always spend X-mas eve just us and we make ourselves available to extended family on x-mas day, but we decide who and when, they don't.  It is nice to switch things up each year.  No one should feel entitled to your company.  Your obligation is to take care of your nuclear family first and that means sometimes spending the holidays with your husband's family.  Mom's just going to have to learn how to share.



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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 08:00:43 AM »
Wow! :shock:
That's a great letter.
If I got a letter like that, i would totally take on board every thing you said. 
If she is a proper N, she will not listen to a word you said in that letter but block it with her view of things, no give.  You have done your bit.  You can't change her. 
You deserve a good, peaceful Christmas, by the sounds of it, you work very hard. 
Let us know her reaction
Good Luck and Happy Christmas


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2005, 12:53:37 PM »
Good job Kate!

When I wrote my letters they were dismissed, and ignored.  But the parameters in my mind were newly established from that point forward because I have stated in writing how things are going to be between us from here on out.  Ofcourse they don't acknowledge the letter, but it doesnt matter, it is all on my terms now.
     Perhaps you have heard back from her by now, or she is fortifying her offenses.  It takes much courage to actually put a stamp on the envelope, and then send it (applause).  N's will not change because of anything they hear, or read (if they actually read it), but they can have their world especially if we can just have ours a great exchange.  Would like to say that things aren't going to get worse before they get better, but the end results are so worth the immediate drama that you will endure.  Godbless.

"If I fake it, then I don't have it"
---Bill Murray in "What about Bob"


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2005, 02:34:07 PM »
Thanks to all of you for your support - it helps so much. I haven't heard anything back yet, but I think she will be receiving it today. I had many regrets over the weekend about sending it out, but today I am feeling strong, thanks to all of you.  I'll let you know what happens..... I can't decide if she will just ignore me now or will call me crying, all hurt, because of how I made HER feel. I will keep you posted.....


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2005, 07:02:17 PM »
I got a voice mail message from my mom in response to my letter, saying she got my letter and that she was glad I felt I could tell her what I was feeling and that she wished she could tell me what she was feeling without her words being "thrown back at her". She's the one who said the words in the first place! I just can't deal with this. She also said that she hoped I would change my mind, that she had a lasagna dinner planned, but she would understand if I couldn't come because I felt I wouldn't have fun. Now I feel like I should go, but my gut tells me I shouldn't have to. I really don't want to and I don't even want to talk to her about any of this. It will just make me angry. Any words of wisdom?


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2005, 07:58:27 PM »
She sounds very controlling.
She hasn't taken on board what you have said in the letter.
She is making you feel guilty, or second guess yourself, so her magic powers seem to be working wonders on you..

I would say, don't give in, stick to your guns.


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2005, 09:32:00 PM »
Thank you, Selkie. I'm not giving in. It is unbelievable how all these years of this torture cause one to second-guess themselves - it's like I can't even realize I'm not at fault for having my own feelings - I'm so used to HER feelings being right. It permeates my life....grrrr! You are right, her magic powers are working wonders. She continues to guilt me. I'm calling her back now...... I will stay strong!


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2005, 01:39:26 AM »
Hi Kate,
guts are almost always right.
One thing I do with my mom, is to only officially hear the nice part of what she says, not the hook as someone aptly called it.

For example, you could reply, I'm glad you're glad that I expressed my feelings.  Ignore the rest, which was her real message.  Some Ns are not rude enough to re-emphasise the nasty part.  But some are.  However, if she is, you will the force her to make clear her real message and you can both stop pretending that she is saying something normal or nice.

Have a happy one
« Last Edit: December 20, 2005, 12:30:41 PM by Plucky »


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2005, 06:24:19 AM »
Hiya Kate
I could relate to so much of your letter Kate... the divorced parents, getting up at 6 am every day but the difference is that I get home at 5 pm each day... and trying to explain your life to your Mum.  I feel that you've wrote a great letter and expressed yourself very well.

I got a voice mail message from my mom in response to my letter, saying she got my letter and that she was glad I felt I could tell her what I was feeling and that she wished she could tell me what she was feeling without her words being "thrown back at her". She's the one who said the words in the first place! I just can't deal with this. She also said that she hoped I would change my mind, that she had a lasagna dinner planned, but she would understand if I couldn't come because I felt I wouldn't have fun. Now I feel like I should go, but my gut tells me I shouldn't have to. I really don't want to and I don't even want to talk to her about any of this. It will just make me angry. Any words of wisdom?

If we break down her response also, the first bit about how she wished she could tell you what she was feeling without her words being thrown back at her... The pitiful response, playing the victim and then making it your fault that she can't speak to you!  Again with understanding if you don't go because you feel you wouldn't have fun.... she's took one little bit of your letter, and turned it round to make it your fault.
I would advise to go with your gut feeling and make sure you and Todd have a lovely happy Christmas, which I'm sure you will.  If your Mum wants to feel sorry for herself and make it into a big deal, it is up to her.  Change what you can and leave the rest.
Take care
H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care

miss piggy

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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2005, 11:56:40 AM »
Hello Kate,

Merry Christmas!  One thing that helps me is really crummy humor.  When things go sideways, you know, like the tree falls down, someone breaks a antique semi on purpose, I start singing "Happy Holidays".  I dunno.  It sort of minimizes the event.

Seriously, when I read up to the v/m part, I think it might empower you to substitute the word "choice" whenever you hear the word "fault" or "blame".  After all, I think what you are attempting to do is replace guiltridden obligations with desired choices.  If you desire to go, then go.  If you desire to stay away, then stay away.  And take ownership of your decision.  If your mother casts aspersions on your choices, oh well. 

A lot of the dancing that goes on is trying to avoid "fault".  Just say, yep, mom, I'm the bad guy.  Sorry about that.  And you will have released yourself from needing other people's approval for your choices.  It takes lots of practice though to get through the guilt you feel when you make those choices.  But awareness of the gameplaying etc will take away a lot of the guilt.  Take it one choice at a time.  And don't expect your idiot mother to change her tune.  I wasted YEARS wanting a family member to change.  I finally changed myself and my choices and found my self-respect. 

I know this is hard and will take some soulsearching until you feel comfortable with interacting with your mother in a new way.  So good luck and post your progress here.  We'll cheer you on.  Good luck.  MP


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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2005, 02:04:13 PM »
Hello Kate:

I am going to disagree with most of what has been written.  If you don't want to read my post, I understand, but I think that visitors to this board probably benefit from hearing all perspectives on an issue.

While writing the letter was probably quite liberating for you, in my opinion it will not help your relationship with your mother.  The only way to deal with an N-mom is to confine your discussion to the matter at hand, and work out the larger issues some other way (like therapy).  Setting boundaries is about sticking to your guns but not firing, because every time you fire, you actually give your mother ammunition.  Now she has this letter to throw up to you, and believe me, she will.  So I hope the gesture was worth the price, which I suspect you have only begun to pay if you continue to have a relationship with her.

I have found that for me the only way to deal with my N-mother is to do what I can for her and, when she balks (which she always does), say rather calmly, "I'm sorry you feel that way."  After twenty or thirty repetitions, she usually gets the point:  The subject is closed.  My choice is made, my behavior is reasonable, and she will just have to live with it.  I've chosen that course mostly because I want to maintain a civil relationship with her.  Otherwise, I'd probably tell her many things that it isn't polite to post here.

I do understand the annual festival of indigestion that passes for Christmas in an N-dominated family, and I applaud your choice to put your husband first.  That's as it should be, in my opinion.  But in writing that letter, you took things a good deal further than establishing boundaries and enforcing them.  You went on the offensive, and you will have to deal with the consequences.  In the end, that may be very good for you, and maybe it's the best thing you could have done.  I hope so.

I wish you well.



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Re: Christmas Letter to NMom - I'm a nervous wreck
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2005, 05:12:03 PM »
Hey Kate,
Not to pile on, but I agree with Daylily. Virtually EVERY time I have yielded to the overpowering impulse to "explain" or "vent" my feelings to an has been wasted. There have been a few exceptions, notably a truly positive moment with my NMom, but that was when she was able to feel some empathy because someone else was the bad guy.

However, I would not beat yourself up for the overpowering impulse. We need our voices to be heard so badly that we do things like this.

I used to write AMAZINGLY convincing letters explaining my feelings and needs to my mother or to the N men I always got involved with. Not one of my letters (or emails) ever made any difference.

Empathy, love, recognition of my separateness, accountability and a "clean" response--never came.

It will be valuable to you to notice a month or two from now, how you feel about the letter in hindsight. However it feels to you, take can be a benchmark if things continue to be painful and frustrating. You can remind yourself if you need to in the future, based on how this went.

And the important thing is truly NOT her response or lack of it. What matters is that you did express in writing, how you feel.

The even more important thing, I believe, is to do that from now on in safe, sane, therapeutic places where you know your voice WILL be heard.

Let us know how it plays out (and please don't punish yourself for is so terribly hard to give up being heard.) But you may just have to give up on being heard by HER.

No more powerful relationship, than with a mother...but the challenge for children of Ns is to learn to mother ourselves, and secondly, to surround ourselves with people who can (Ns cannot) mother us too.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."