Author Topic: The Cause of Personality Disorders - One Theory  (Read 3766 times)


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Re: The Cause of Personality Disorders - One Theory
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2005, 11:14:08 AM »
Great article..

I really believe that we all are products of the generations behind us.  My dad was a great mechanical onhands guy, my mother is amazingly creative and she still sells her paintings.  Wether it be because of emulation, or just passed down I find myself using parts of their talents in my life.  I also find myself recreating the pain that was created for them in their lives, although I am not a child anymore and have figured out that all of the pain is not in my control nor is it my fault. 

as though the sins of the parents are visited upon their children.[/font]

This interesting statement is what motivates me to adjust what I was shown to do because I do not want to answer to God for my choices about my children.  My mothers self destructive behavior is still in full swing, her hypochondria is so worn out, and her jealousy of my sisters has no affect on them except for their self destructive acts, so my mother has martyred herself into thinking herself into victimism.

Each generation adds to the problems or takes to resolve them.  If problems persist they become programmed into children, then continued to be passed down.  It seems like the hardest thing for me is to not expose the children to that world as much as possible, and when I do I have opened myself up to be responsive to healthy child questions.  Sometimes those healthy child questions are powerful, but I know that they are normal so it helps me understand normal versus N.  I don't want my children justifying, or rationalizing "abnormal" as painful as it is for me at times. 

My mother epitomizes the word hypocrisy, and it is amazing to witness.  You shake your head in disbelief that this person actually acts out some of the things she does versus what she says, but she knows who knows about her, and who is fresh meat.  She goes to great, and even tiring ends to produce her needs for her N world. 

According to her our family is just fine.......except for older sister trying to kill herself with alcoholism, Brother put a bullet in his head (lived through it, got stuck in the roof of his mouth), other sister has divorced three times, and me trying to keep my family and children amidst the three ring circus. 

Anyways loved the article, apparently it struck a chord with me, hence the rambling.


"If I fake it, then I don't have it"
---Bill Murray in "What about Bob"