Hey Plucky!

You have us to speak with! I think it is important. It is important for
me to have you.
First I am sorry that your mother made you do all these chores when you
were younger. I am sure that the fact that you kept working hard as an
adult for your family is not something 'lost'.
Really go step by step. The trip first... I guess all the rest can wait.
Try to put the other things on an imaginary shelf when you leave home.
Nothing bad will happen during this time.
I guess it is too late or not feasible to cancel the trip tomorrow. Still you
might be able to come back a day or two earlier if it is very tiring once you
are there. But I'm sure it will be fine when you manage to sleep and relax
a bit there.
I am quite sure that the kids won't mind if there is 'real' mess during the
vacation. (Not the couple of boxes at the wrong place

). Feed them
but only simple things. I am quite sure they love pasta with butter.
Don't clean much except when necessary. If you put the cleaning and
cooking at a very low priority, you will be able to put the other ones up
(read a book, walk, sleep, play with the kids, etc...).
Hmm, it works here (the mess, etc...) at least... I am going to put the
pasta in water

Enjoy and relax, Plucky!
Send us an imaginary post-card at some point when you see something
beautiful there,

Your mother will not be there...
