Thanks Marta and Plucky...
right now this board IS my vacation!

I've done little vacations before but lately they've backfired, in terms of back pain from driving.
I really will be okay, and I'll keep venting here

I appreciate this support and kindness so much.
I am eager for the Rx. I'm sure others have, as early waking is such a classic symptom, but I've noticed frequent mornings I wake up crying. Just a little, but literally: wake up, immediate tears. Just a few but what a strong message. Today it was, I woke up crying and saying to myself, "Safe harbor."
I have a running half-serious joke with my T about how long, ethically, I'd have to stop being his client before we can have coffee, socialize, and get married. He laughs and says two years, so I tell him, well hurry up and get me better. If you're really efficient maybe we can shave it a few months!

:)He is kind and I do feel safe with him, so I'm sure that's what my pysche was up to this a.m.
Everybody, want to wish you a happy, peaceful, calm and hopeful day. Thanks for all you do to bring those things into my life, over and over.