Author Topic: I'm p'd  (Read 3877 times)


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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2006, 06:02:57 PM »
Hi Sela! Ya kill me!!! Don't hold back now...tell us how you REALLY feel!! Hee hee!!!! What a marvellous proud rant!!! An update on my psycho outta control ex N. He's been stalking and harassing and abusing me publicly for several weeks now. Lots of phone messages- after months of silence. Dictating his " terms" to me, vague threats, promises of humilation and degradation, details of women he's planning on seducing- women I know from a distance and who are....surprise, surprise!...vulnerable and hurting. He's been in my face several times in public places screaming obscenities and loudly ranting about me stalking and harassing him!!!!! I'm the one constantly scuttling away from him whenever our paths happen to cross- picture that cat with Pepe Le Pew( not as in " church pew"...but Walt Disney skunk anal scent gland " pew"- hee hee!!!). Only he's not charming in the least- This man is seriously nuts!!!! The thing that's set him off- typical- is that I've just started kinda seeing someone casually. No one else even knew about this, but you know Ns- they have that sixth sense and can smell minute particles of blood in the water a la sharks! He's telling everyone I know that we were allegedly " trying to get back together"- now there's a seriously psychotic fantasy on his part. Everyone who knows both of us is freaked out by his behaviour. He doesn't have a history of stalking or physical violence- that I know of- that being the operative phrase. However I'm taking this seriously and have filed police reports and they have spoken with him twice now. I am getting a restraining order for what that's worth- at least stuff is being documented. His cell is now blocked from my phone and I don't go out to meetings alone now. All my friends know what's going on and I have great supports. It's just so draining and it is humiliating.I hate to think how long this will now go on for. ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! Thanks for listening! Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2006, 08:22:32 PM »
Hiya Moira:

Nice pasturizing.  Let 'er fly!!  This is the thread for it!!

He's been stalking and harassing and abusing me publicly for several weeks now.

That sounds scarey which might also cause one to feel great anger!  The psycho seriously nutless bar!!!

I'm glad you aren't going to meetings alone.  Keep yourself safe Moira.

Hey!  I remember Pepe Le Pew too!

"Oooooooo ma Cherrrrrrieeeeeeeeee!  Your soooo beauuuuuuuuutiful ma Cherrrrrrrrieeeeeeeeee!!"

Yes.  Anal scent.  Stinky Smelly.  I get it.  I can guess what the two have in common.

Glad your friends are sticking with you and supporting you.  That's fantastic!  And good for you for taking legal steps ....hopefully they will have a positive effect and help stop this crazy nonsense.

It's just so draining and it is humiliating.I hate to think how long this will now go on for.

Oh oh.  He's pushing your buttons.  I bet he's a master at it eh?

Cut the wires Moira!  Take out the battery and put it in the charger!  This creep isn't worth getting all in a kerfluffle about.  He's a pathetic abuser.   Maybe he'll get help and take responsibility some day??  But right now......he's the one who's doing the deeds........"dirty deeds......done dirt cheap.....dirty deeds and their done dirt cheep".

The people you like and who are your friends are "freaked out by his behaviour" and are on your side.

You don't own the shame!!  He's the nut case right?  So disconnect that humiliated button and do your very best not to let his wacky behaviour set it off any more!   You haven't done anything wrong.  Other people will understand and support you.  Ignor as much of his junk as you can!!  Hold your head high (walk softly and carry a big steak :shock:......I mean......stick.....or some mace spray ....or something :lol:).

This won't last forever Moira.  Keeping you in my prayers.



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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2006, 01:41:11 PM »
Hiya Sela! You know what I find humiliating and always feel more than a wee bit embarassed about? It's the fact that when people get to know me and like me, there comes a point when they inevitable ask" Uh, so, Moira, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?????( reference to why I would have been with psycho N). I usually say he's the yardstick of how fucked up I was( talking about people I know in NA- so in terms of my recovery from drugs and alcohol). I know intellectually I have nothing to be embarassed about but I still find it almost impossible to not judge myself on what I obviously see as some sort of moral deficiency. Must stop beating myself up- enough other people more than willing to do it for me in my life- my boss for example! Hee hee!! I don't think ex N will get violent but his behavoiur is pretty unpredictable and he is filled with rage. Not taking any chances. I'm a small woman but he'a not a big man and I did work with police for almost ten years and I know many ways to put someone on the ground and inflict pain. I've always felt pretty confident about handling myself in physical situations. Thanks for your support and i always enjoy and appreciate your humour! Hugs, Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2006, 12:14:20 PM »
Good morning Moira:

I know intellectually I have nothing to be embarrassed about but I still find it almost impossible to not judge myself on what I obviously see as some sort of moral deficiency.

Ya.  Because people make comments/ask questions that shame us and we tend to accept that (learned behaviour???? :roll:).

I wonder if we really hear what the person was inferring, would it help us to see the insanity in such comments/questions?

Inferences like..... There is something morally deficient in you because you chose to be with that psycho!
How could you do that?
What were you thinking?
What a dummy you are.
I would nevvvvvvvvvvver do that.
I'm much smarter than that.
I'm perfect.
I don't make mistakes like that.

 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You were messed up when you met him?  You didn't make the best choice at the time?

That's your excuse?
How dense.
You're the only one on earth who's ever done that.
Everyone else never gets messed up and always makes the best choices.

 :shock: :shock: :shock:

And him:

Well......he has no responsibility whatsoever.
Heeeeeee didn't chooooose you.
Heeeeeee didn't take advantage of yourrrrrrr messed up state.
Heeeeeee doesn't prey on vulnerable people.

It's allllll you.  All your fault.  All your stupidity.  You're a bad, bad girl.

 :shock: :shock: :shock:

Gee.  Any wonder such comments cause you to feel ashamed.  The silent messages/words between the lines.....insinuations......are just a little.....insulting and demeaning.  The question is belittling...even if it isn't meant to be.  It might simply be an expression of supreme disgust.  (Holey Moley!!  How did you get involved with such a moron?") but also says something about your moronic attraction....insinuating you must be a moron too, to be attracted to one.

Yes.  Intellectually......we can think....if we think to think.  If we think first and feel later, sometimes it helps.  I think. 

If we develop the habit of thinking first......"what the heck is this person saying?"  and then we discard what we believe to be silly you must somehow be moronic for choosing a psycho, etc.   I truly believe we can discard the shame....not let it erupt by first thinking:  "this person doesn't understand.  might be trying to understand.  might not realize how insulting they are being.  might be trying to be insulting."

....... before we go ahead an let their words penetrate and allow ourselves to feel some kind of humiliation/shame/guilt whatever.  Or.....worded otherwise.....before feelings of shame/guilt/humiliation are generated.

I don't know how messed up you were when you met him.  I bet he knew it.  I bet he had something to do with you being together.  I bet it wasn't all your doing.  I bet you're not stupid.  I bet you just made some mistakes.  Just like the rest of us.  I bet you've learned from all of that.  I bet you are a good person with good morals and I bet you don't go around looking for people to prey on.  I bet you've worked hard to get to where you are now and I bet you will be careful in future.  I bet you have lot's of stuff to feel proud of......glad about.......which are accomplishments, not mistakes.

Other possible responses to such questions/comments:

"Stuff happens".

"Nobody's perfect"

"Yes, it is incredible, isn't it?"

Mostly....most to somehow unlearn the reaction.  I think it's possible to decide to think first and feel later.  It can deflect a lot of useless, unnecessary suffering.  Shaming needs to be detected our brains.

"Oh my goodness.  This seems like an attempt to shame.  No thankyou."

We don't have to accept such gifts.  Even if they come from those we think are trying to help or understand.  We can simply.....decide......the shame is not ours/unwarrented/not valid.

You may have made mistakes, Moira, and have been involved with a person who has psychological difficulties.....but you didn't/don't cause him to be psycho or control his actions.   These people are experts at coming across as normal, nice, etc.  They are expert con-artists.  Some are very hard to detect.

That's how people get sucked into cults.  Drawn away with and murdered by sociopaths.  Duped financially by super-frauds. 


It's not about youuuuu being a moron for hooking up with a psycho.

It's about a psycho seeking out someone they can fool into hooking up with them.


And you and I can learn from our experiences and try to be more alert and do our best to be careful.....

but that won't change their abilities or talents or skills at hooking.  They will always be experts at that and there will be more prey to prey on.

It's easy to think:  "OH I would never do anything that stupid" until the situation actually arises and we find ourselves......prey.



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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2006, 05:24:35 PM »
Hi Sela! Thanks again for your wisdom and insight! Not to mention your kindness. What really burns me is my own shit at being conned. I work in a profession where I have multiple opportunities to " spot the sociopath". And I have a reputation as being excellent at spotting them!!! Sooo....when I got hoodwinked in my personal  life, I stilll have my  work hat on and judge myself from a professional stance- which is unrealisitic and unkind to myself. I can't be objective and professional in matters of the heart and I'm not a nurse 24/7. And yes, the N did totally prey on me and read me like a book. Who I'm really angry with is not other people and what they may think of me- I'm angry with myself for allowing myself to be vulnerable, for being human, for taking a chance. I'm a total hardass with myself and find it so hard to let that go and be gentle with myself. A final interesting point, my shrink recently pointed out to me that all three of my major relationships I've started when I was severely depressed- hmmmm!!!!! And this last one with the N was the most masochistic self destructive one of them all- also coincided- not coincidentally either!!- with hitting my bottom with drugs and alcohol. I know in my heart of hearts this will not happen again because for the first time in my life I'm clean and sober and a different person. My bipolar is also under control and stable for the first time in decades as well so I do feel I'm starting with a fresh slate in a manner of speaking. Thanks again for your kindness and support Sela- it means more to me than you know. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: I'm p'd
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2006, 04:30:37 PM »
Hi Moira,
I think it is normal to be embarrassed about that relationship.  I mean what else would you be, proud?  Yes it was a mistake.  You can interpret peoples' comments as actually saying:
-you are so much better than that.
-he is so beneath you.
- you are so together I can't imagine you being with him.
Try to see the positive in it.  And it may not be funny now, but far in the future you will be able to see how ridiculous it was for you to come close to a person like that.  His antics may seem laughable.
All of us have done things and dated people who later seem embarrassing.