Author Topic: narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection  (Read 2209 times)


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narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection
« on: January 11, 2006, 02:53:29 PM »

Last year I was on a course with a Tutor who was highly narcissistic and projected her negative fantasies onto me. I was just a student who needed support but she felt because I challenged her on issues that I must think she was crap at her job unbeknown to me. However to seek revenge she contacted a therapist of mine behind my back discrediting me. Lucky enough I had a therapist who was reputable and knew i wasn't the person she was implying. To this day this person still wont admit they did wrong. I just wish I could have which i did for quite a while not react to her but when she did this I snapped. I know i should have known better they will always twist things. Anyonelse had the same?


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Re: narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 09:05:59 PM »
Hi Moonchild

welcome to the wonderful world of N-....

Just be thankful you were not related to or further engaged this person.
And that the people she engaged to discredit you saw through her and went on to validate YOU.

Work through your anger as J says.

Then pity her if you can.
Because that's what bullies and narcissists deserve really...they bring such pain and confusion to the world through their own unresolved emotional states.

You ARE going to be good at what you do.
Learn to let go of her poison and trust your own view of a fair and healthy world.



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Re: narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 07:04:27 AM »


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Re: narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 09:41:37 PM »
Amen to Write and Jac and
shine on, Moon!

You CAN learn to not be pulled in. It may take battling the current now and then but simply by opening up this knowledge, which you have or you wouldn't have ventured here, you are showing you will not be drowned by, them, or those games.

A riptide is very powerful but the swimmers who learn the trick about gradually angling back toward the beach do not drown.

Learn from all the mistakes and repetitions and struggles here, and you'll find courage for your own.
And don't ask yourself to be perfect about it...look how hard some of us fight just to breathe.

Welcome, so glad you're here...we're all holding each other up and we're a mighty raft!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: narcissism and learning how not to react to their projection
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2006, 10:43:21 AM »
This, I think, is the toughest thing of all.  Not getting sucked in. Just when you think you have seperated, they do something so jaw-droppingly selfish and awful, that it's soooo hard not to respond.

I am dealing with that now. I told my lawyer to stop fighting for me with my ex. Give him what he wants, I'm done. So while we are working on this settlement, he decides to renig on an agreement we had to share the cost of a jazz trip my son is taking to Europe next summer. His "new" idea is to "match" what my son saves (my son does not have a job except for an occassional low paying music gig, but he is so busy playing music that he can't possibly have time for a job) up to 1/4 of the amount of the trip. The rest he gets from me!
Where does this idiot think a non working 17 year old is getting money at all....even if he gives up gas money, taking his girlfriend out, lunches at school.....he doesn't have income, really!!
So basically, the ex only pays for a 1/4 of the trip, if that!  Key to know: he makes 4 times what I make and we all know (but can't prove) he is hiding money in a foreign country where he recently became a citizen.
It would be soooo easy to rake this cheapskate over the coals, but why? He isn't going to change. His version of reality is so warped that all responding does is get me sucked back in!  As a matter of fact, he LOVES the interchange.  LOVES it. Makes him feel like even though he has a new wife, I am still available, emotionally.

This IS how they get us sucked in. They are soooo screwed up, and we get attached to WHAT? Them NOT being screwed up? Them NOT messing with our loved ones? (that seems to be a favorite N game). 
Soooo here I go again. Bitch and moan to my friends here (please do that Moonchild....I have found it soo helpful).
Breathe it in, send the pain back to where it belongs. Focus on the good stuff, which is a plenty.
and for you, I guess that would mean, you don't share children with this jerk.