Hi everyone, I’m new to the board! At this time I am going through a lot of eye opening experiences and confusion. I apologize in advance for my long post. I have recently discovered that what I have been going through for 3 years with my ex N boyfriend was not my fault. I could never put my finger on what was going on except “something just didn’t feel right”. I have recently learned about NPD. I only just now realize that for 3 very long and exhausting years that I never had a chance.
I never understood all the ways he could take me from on top of the world to in the gutter in 60 seconds flat blaming me all the way down.
When I met his family (he never met mine..in 3 years) I even felt that he and his ½ sister had a very different relationship, I didn’t dare let my mind think anything off color until now. Things just never fit. He would call her his “baby” (he was usually drunk when he spoke to his family on the phone) and then turn around and call me, his girlfriend, a stupid bitch… but always with a grin or a laugh in his eyes…I never knew if he was joking. I always thought his eyes were showing how much pleasure he was getting at my expense. (now I know I was right on) When his sister got engaged he went into a full-blown “rage” because the guy she was engaged to didn’t ask his permission FIRST before he asked her (he had never even met this guy). He further “raged” on me because I told him that was a very weird thing to expect the poor guy to do.
One time his mother came down to see him and as she was walking in the door he turned on porn (and it was hardcore) on the computer (speakers at full blast) and said this is what my whore of a mother likes…..His mom didn’t even blink..wow I ran after that one - just to have him convince me it was just meant to be funny…
I never could figure out why when I would dump him he always eventually came back. I always called him my little bouncing ball because he just kept coming back, over & over. This confused me most of all. Of course I thought “oh he just cant live without me” now I know I was the best Nsupply he had at the time. And the timing that boy had was incredible. After a split I would finally make plans to go out .. .he would call the moment I was walking out the door and say “pick me up – NOW, I need you”…and I’m sure you all know the choice I would make.
Just show me the ticket counter for the “never-ending roller coaster ride” I’ll take 4 tickets please…that was me!!

Just processing all of this new information I have learned hurts my head…I literally cant sleep and I am consumed with self guilt. Everything I read on NPD fits him completely and so I have to let go of 3 years of feeling like everything was my fault. I can finally begin to let go of knowing that I am not crazy…I know I’m not “remembering wrong”. But it’s not as easy as that. I feel so disoriented. A part of me believes that he just couldn’t love ME, he just didn’t want ME, but that he can love and want another woman “normally” the way I wished it could have been … I pray for the day that I can let that go.
I just feel so stupid…everyday. Full of regret that I didn’t “stick to my guns” so many times. The (1) one friend I have left cant stand to talk about him and I have exhausted my family with asking them almost on a daily basis if I am crazy. They knew every time he was back. My entire personality and the way I carried myself changed (and not for the better). I never thought I would ever let another individual have this much control over who I was. Now, after 3 years I FINALLY know what I was up against. Now I am just trying to get over it the best way I can. I have 1,000’s of stories so I wont go on & on. It is just nice to know that I am not alone in this very confusing place I have now found myself to be in. My thanks to all of you for letting me let some of the pain flow out.