I'm sorry, I know I am projecting a ton. You do sound confident and calm. I just am worrying, because I am seeing a rough prognosis for this coming all the way around to meet your needs.
I read a description of healthy intimacy once, and it said something to the effect of, healthy relationships do not involve exhausting struggle and analysis...there is a sense of comfort and ease about them. I, personally, have NEVER had one of these. So I am very very interested in that notion. What? No drama? No picking apart layer upon layer of bruises and scars and fears and reactions and subtexts and what-ifs and persuading and cajoling and explaining and, especially, "helping" him understand what kind of love I need?
when you say, you are just giving him time to "heal"--couldn't that be a euphemism for "change"? The reason I ask that is that above it, you said:
He also has a history of staying somewhat attached to a previous lover after getting married -- both marriages. In both cases he continued to see the previous lover once in a while until the attachment fell off the branch. To him, this is normal. To me, I've always been the opposite.
I don't want to make him "bad" for that either. There is a wide range of what people are comfortable with. I just know that I would need a clear demarcation and wouldn't wait through a year of ambivalence. Spent decades doing just that with various I'm 55. Never did let myself attract or choose one who did not give out that signal.
Two books come to mind:
Escape from Intimacy by Anne Wilson Scharf (alas, I need to read it over and over and over), and
Passionate Marriage
Well, three:
Men Who Can't Love and the Women Who Love Them
(this is about commitment phobia, and the signs are so much more subtle than you might think. Has absolutely nothing to do with verbal declarations of love. Has everything to do with patterns you might possibly not of the BIGGEST red flags in that book is keeping one toe in a previous relationship. And as you describe him, he's got a whole leg in there.)
I wish you luck, hon. I want it to work for you if it should and maybe it can. These are just the thoughts of someone who thinks she sees trouble or heartache or disappointment ahead for you, and doesn't want it to happen! (At the same time I am sure, sure, sure, that this may be too much projection from my own experience.)
I am glad you stick up for your own wisdom and sense of what's right for you, and hope what's posted here doesn't feel unsupportive.