Hi Marta (and everyone),
the second stage of the game is scathing attacks.
Yes! Wow...like if I punish you enough you'll come back. really really effective...NOT! My PSIL engaged in a "scorched earth" campaign around town. Relentless. also pursued my H around to confront him on why? why? H's response: talk to the hand/you are not my responsibility/talk to the hand/talk to the hand...
Maybe we can break it down into stages, feel free to add/edit:
1. hypnosis/bringing you into the fold/indoctrination/seduction
2. permanent committment (marriage, business contract...)
3. devaluing, abuse (fill in your own flavor)
4. crossing the line (like the sex abuse in Cody Posey trial)
5. fixing/accepting
6. victim opens eyes/breakdown of coping mechanisms
7. escape
8. denial/attempts to get you back under control (many techniques: false promises, verbal abuse, stalking, friends, money)
9. separation perceived as permanent by victim, temporary by abuser
10. controls by abuser are successful RETURN TO STEP 3
10. controls by abuser fail
11. victim is "dead" literally or figuratively to abuser, it didn't happen, victim is slandered and disposed of, erased
12. victim is free
I don't know if this includes everything or is really accurate or true. Feels true. I think this proves your point, Marta, that they need us more than we need them. Remember the old saying: with friends like this, who needs enemies?