You ARE very brave. I know, because I was there. I was abused from 1 to 26. I desparately hung on to my sanity, even as I was hiding under layers upon layers of mental and physical protection. The only things that helped me during that time was prayer and church (from a young age I held on to the firm notion of RIGHT and WRONG, and that what my dad was doing to us was ABSOLUTELY WRONG, no matter what the reasons where) and the fact that me and my brother and sister talked about the abuse behind closed door, analyzing our father as if we were litte dectectives/therapists). I had a pychotic break when I was 26 (by that time I had a emotional breakdown in high school when I was 17 but didn't know it). I was in bed for 3 months. I SURVIVED 10 years, with my real self hiding deep within me, who was VERY, VERY angry. I was diagnosed DID, PSTD, and Reactive Attachment Disorder, and have slowly come out of it. I am now 32, have cut off all contact with my dad. Emotionally and developmentally, I jump between 2, 10, 15, 17. The way I talk and my perceptions of reality can change in an instant. A few years ago I really knew inside I was 19, but sometimes it fluctuates because of the way I was abused. i guess that's 'normal'. Imagine you as your developmental stages, from 0 - present, and they are all trying to grow to maturity, and connect to the next developmental stage, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I was telling my supportive friends, you've 20 odd years to grow up, I'm doing it in 5! If I could, may I suggest some therapies:
Crainial-Sacral Therapy
and Emoto-Somatic Release.
The last two are extrememly powerful, as they heal the mind-body connection, which was broken by our survival tactics, but should by done by EXPERIENCED professionals, perferrably psychologists, IMO. EMDR was very good as well but having a one session of CST or ESR leaving me lying on the bed unable to get up for the next hour and a half. If you need a recommendation don't hesitate to ask me.
Healing is very painful; but it is worth it. In my experience my bed was my best friend for the last 5 years. Good luck and God Bless.