Hi Teresa,
One thing that helped me decide to end a relationship with an N BF was to try to imagine his inner dialogue. What I mean is wondering, "What kind of thoughts must be going through his head for him to be so continually critical?" It wasn't pretty. He, too, make constant comments about my weight (and I'm not overweight). What your BF is doing is just plain cruel. When someone deliberately tries to make another person feel badly about themselves, that's abusive.
I'm with Brigid. It's never going to get any easier to get out. I know his mother is sick, but then she'll die, and then he'll be grieving and you'll feel bad about leaving then, too. I think her idea of talking to HR may be very helpful as a protective measure.
I stayed with N ex H for almost 25 years. By the time I got out, the stress had really negatively affected my health. After years of overwork, not enough sleep, constant worry about his financial irresponsibility, and several high risk pregnancies, I was left with high blood pressure, thyroid disease, and some post traumatic stress. Three years after we separated, I'm still dealing with some of those consequences.
Your physical health is really at risk with working those long hours and then not getting enough sleep. I'm wondering if your boyfriend is sensitive at all to that or showing any concern for your well being.
Thank God you didn't marry the guy.