hi Dad! Glad you clarified ' I sit just me"!! Interesting ? Freudian- not that I'm a big Freud fan!- slip! " Is it just me...I sit just me"! I'm a word smith..I'm all about the semantics! anyway...far be it for me to tell you what you should be doing etc.- i personally hate the word- " should" ( ARRGGHHHH...Mind your f---in business ya nosey parkers!!! Hee hee!). I can only speak from my own experience. When I'm really alone and lonely i know i kinda get desperate. i crawl inside my head and that's always a dangerous place for me to spend alot of time!! I wander around looking at happy couples, see love etc everywhere- on TV, music, billboards etc---it's everywhere!- and it makes me want to scream!!!! Kick small animals, push carriages into traffic, slap lovers silly!!! A wee bit extreme i know, but ya get my drift! I never seem to be able to meet anyone when I'm in this head space and funk. My desparation oozes out of every pore and hangs over me like a cloud of stink! If I can get outta my head and focus on other people - doing something with or for others- I'm not desperate or looking for anything. I start attracting all kinds of good stuff and people to me . One thing I have noticed when I'm skulking around my place feeling totally alone...i never seem to bump into any scintillating good looking charming sexy men!!!...in my apartment!!! And they aren't exactly beating a path to my door!! A few months ago i started taking an art class, started swimming three nights a week at a community center, and am doing volunteer work with kids...and lo and behold! I've met several neat men who say they are attracted to my laughter, my smile, my compassion, my zest etc etc....Oh God, just perusing what I just wrote! Sounds a wee bit like a cheesy Hallmark card!! Let's all have a big group hug and sing "Kumbaya" ( I'm all about the words, but not all about the spelling! Hee hee), shall we?!!! It's sappy..but true! Anyway, Dad, you sound like a lovely man and even though it's not the goofy Heart day yet...I'm sitting at my desk at work, looking at a beautiful mountain view, sunny and eating a piece of chocolate in your honour! Be good to yourself...indulge yourself...hell, be naughty!!! hugs! Moira