hi, Jacmac. Action without introspection is a choice. Introspection does not mean inaction. It just means it's been considered inside.
When I am upset, I find it is because I am attached to something. And sometimes that something I choose to remain attached to and value fighting for. Sometimes it is in hindsight that I realize this, but I am still learning the value of looking within for validation, whether anyone agrees with me or not.
It is not easy, as it does place all responsibility and blame squarely on my lap....but the flip side to that is I get to own my power.
"Triumph and failure....the great imposters"....I forget who said that, perhaps BKS Iyengar, but it's not unlike what was whispered in the Roman conquerer's ears by the slave holding the laurel wreath above their heads in the chariot:
"All glory is fleeting". (I find that interesting....whispering enlightenment to your tormentors??? Historically, that has happened over and over again, though)
The whole idea that there is some rock hard truth, or any solidity to this life is what gets us stuck. Life moves and is ever changing. It flows and goes all kinds of places we don't expect.
Introspection helps me to go with the flow a little more.
I find I am much happier when I am not clinging to that damn flimsy twig on the muddy banks......resisting the water.
I know I might drown. And that's ok...because I also might float effortlessly to a beautiful place downstream ( I heard it was there...so I'm goin' for it!). Meanwhile....the ride is pretty interesting!
I know all this may be way off topic from the focus of this thread, but that was intentional on my part. Please know I mean no harm.
If I want to speak about a problem and someone silences me, that is, IMO, immature and passive/aggressive. If the person is able to communicate to me that they can't talk about the subject because it is too difficult or painful, that is showing that they care enough about my feelings to explain why they can't talk to me - but to just out and out dismiss me, I think that is a sure sign of a lack of consideration for my feelings
I agree. I would interpret this the same way. But I get to decide how long I feel bad about it. The thing is, people rarely change because of something other people do. It's internal, and I have found I can't make someone see my point of view when I am upset... and sometimes I NEVER can, anyway, and letting go of that need has been so freeing for me.