Author Topic: Psychology and clutter  (Read 1532 times)


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Psychology and clutter
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:41:51 PM »
after yesterdays discussion of clutter, depression and paralysis I did a wee bit of decluttering today- cleared off my computer desktop and desk for a start.
No wander I can't work in here any more!

That thought got me thinking- did I sub consciously let things get this messy because of my resistance to working ( finishing things is a particular problem )

Did anyone see that BBC programme 'Life Laundry' where a psychologist goes into people's homes and helps them get rid of all the stuff they don't need?
Some of the people were truly liberated by giving away/ selling/ dumping their 'baggage'- emotional along with the objects themselves.

I'm not very materialistic so I don't have a problem getting rid of stuff- but papers, books, I'm working out the psychology of why I keep so much paper trail!


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Re: Psychology and clutter
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 04:56:39 PM »
Hey Write,
Now I'm weaving my thread onto yours...hi!

You're spot on, imho.

I fear the paperwork that I've allowed to pile up because it's all linked in some way to making money decisions, which triggers a lot of fear for me. I do know that avoiding it compounds it.

It's not clutter for me in terms of's paper clutter.

There is a freelance job that will involve more of my time off and I'm very torn because I crave time to relax more than money but I need the money but I COULD take the assignment but I hate the topic but my daughter needs help but I need to be looking for my next job and that would take time away but it would also give me a safety cushion but I don't know if I can do it all but if I were more disciplined I could do the freelance assignment at the same time but that leaves me exhuasted and then my back hurts worse but if I don't find a new job with health insurance my back will REALLY hurt and I won't be able to afford care for it and why am I not a disciplined charger and deeper down I don't want the freelance gig because I loathe writing about topics I hate just for money and I am never going to get to do my novel after all because of this constant obsession with security..

(So I really hate organizing my papers because each doggone piece involves a DECISION like that.)

Lordy, lordy. Embarrassing but true. I do not finish stuff well, and half the problem is because I don't start it well either.

Thanks for this post.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Psychology and clutter
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 06:23:41 PM »
There is a freelance job that will involve more of my time off and I'm very torn because I crave time to relax more than money but I need the money but I COULD take the assignment but I hate the topic but my daughter needs help but I need to be looking for my next job and that would take time away but it would also give me a safety cushion but I don't know if I can do it all but if I were more disciplined I could do the freelance assignment at the same time but that leaves me exhuasted and then my back hurts worse but if I don't find a new job with health insurance my back will REALLY hurt and I won't be able to afford care for it and why am I not a disciplined charger and deeper down I don't want the freelance gig because I loathe writing about topics I hate just for money and I am never going to get to do my novel after all because of this constant obsession with security..


There is a freelance job I could take

I'm very torn

I crave time to relax more than money but I need the money

I hate the topic

my daughter needs help

I need to be looking for my next job

I don't know if I can do it all but if I were more disciplined I could do the freelance assignment at the same time

that leaves me exhuasted

my back hurts

find a new job with health insurance

I don't want the freelance gig because I loathe writing about topics I hate just for money and I am never going to get to do my novel after all because of this constant obsession with security.

So breaking it down the demands on you as a financial provider and carer are wearing you out and conflicting with wanting to be more openly creative in your work.


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Re: Psychology and clutter
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 07:20:24 PM »
Exactly. Thanks for seeing so clearly, Write.
If I'd stop hyperventilating and use the"Enter" key now and then maybe I could have decluttered that thoughtstream too...  :P

Ain't no out at the moment, but with time I know all things change.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Psychology and clutter
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 08:22:43 PM »
it will become clearer with time.

Look how far we've come!