It's always a good feeling to know you're here to keep us "on track" and thinking with care and objectivity. Your description of our ongoing maze of healing was welcomed and well-taken.
Look at the vehemence and passion required to protect/restore our selves. Understand it, qualitatively and quantitatively, as a measure of the protection we needed and lacked from critical (both meanings) people in our pasts. Think about the destruction done to our selves because historically we had no protection. Talk about it, cry about it, own it. Here, we are all fighting for our lives.
Regarding your above quote, I would like to comment on the response below by Marta.
Richard, I worry that these words could be misconstrued to accelerate the Dionysian bias that already exists on this board, which is perhaps at the very crux of a lot of miscommunication and conflicts on this board in the first place, where feelings publicly expressed most vehemently and passionately are often perceived to be “real.”
I don't pretend to know what other's think or feel, but I do have some specific thoughts I would like to share. If I understand these postings correctly, my interpertation of Richard's comment is different. I understood him to mean that the amount of dysfunction in our past , brought with us in our life today, is directly related to the intensity of our own defense mechanisms, usually unconscious....therefore, the greater and deeper the pain, the greater need to protect the self. Simply put, the intensity of historic abuse is directly related to the intensity at which one suffers. Tiffany,
I just feel so ill-equipped for being capable of getting it most times... here lately. I did not have these problems when I was in denial. I used to think my "life" and family's way of being was actually normal and OK. As a matter of life and death, do I believe I am going to have to honestly, openly, deal with my short-comings and fears and pain.
I was numb for a long time and thought I liked it that way...sometimes, I still do. But when I see clearly, pain and all, I'm glad to feel life. Pain is a sign of life and I always know joy comes after the pain. Joy could not be recognized without pain and ,IMO, any extreme emotion is still better than indifference.
And Mudpuppy,
When Dr. Grossman started his post talking about people feeling worthless at their core, that there is little or nothing of value, I kind of thought people would recoil at that statement. I thought people would object to it. But no one did. I personally find that thought kind of repellant. It doesn't really compute for me. I don't think I'm worth any more than anyone else, but the idea of feeling that there is little or nothing of value at my core is completely alien to me. I don't get it.
Not to be confused with "rotten to the core"...Here, IMO, I understand Dr. G to mean that when a child is rendered worthless (ignored/alone/less than)by the most important influential people in their life, the unfortunate result is to the core. The pain is so ingrained or "imprinted" that it must first be recognized for what it is, and then the work of healing and how to heal can and must begin. At this point, I have found there is no turning back. With love from a believable, consistent, compassionate source, I am finally starting to internalize that I AM my core. My opinion of me is finally starting to be what matters most. I can finally know what it truly means to love yourself before you can fully love someone else. I always knew there was more to that than I understood. I have also felt how love can actually change my brain...therefore, my insecure thinking and need to passionately protect can begin to change, as well. This has been, and continues to be, a very slow and difficult process... with a great desire to learn all I can from everywhere. I feel I am in the "middle of the middle" of this process, and I already I know I usually feel better and will be better. Maybe my poem below will describe this better for me.
GANESHDaggers dancing down my spine
Silently spinning loud in time
Chilling thrilling willing pain
Feel its fury or it will remain
Unfold the force that lies within
Like the vibrant vibes of the violin
Guide us home, lead the way
Full of love, we must convey
Tenderness humbles temptation and trust
Explore the splendor and now adjust
Action attraction lightens the load
Reaped is equal to what is sowed
Fancy-free for you from me
What exclamations live inside of thee?
Keep them safe, breed and flesh
Smooth as silk and floral fresh.
On this board, I appreciate celebrating our differences and learning from this. This, too, greatly benefits my healing. Thanks everyone! BJ