I find it difficult. I say this because you said about your elder sister – can’t even love herself. Loving ourselves seems the most difficult thing to me, happening after allowing someone else to love us, allowing ourselves to believe, to trust that someone else does have our interests at heart, isn’t going to use and abuse us.
I totally agree with you Portia. I don't see how we can love ourselves if we have not been loved. THat is the biggest gift my lover gave me. That I was not this piece of trash I thought I was, but someone who danced and sang and made someone else happy. Imagine,
me making someone else happy. It really feels like some watershed event in my life--before love/ after love. I could have thrown all that away so easily, because I was
so, so scared. I just pounced on him even when he tried to hold me. If it hadn't been for my best friend, who came from another "healthy" world, and taught me to see the difference between love and hate. I just didn't know. It is
so difficult to know these things. Her perspective was so important to me, because otherwise I'd have kept falling in the same hole again. It really helps to have some friends from "healthy" world out there, or from some fine rare specimens in here, to get another perspective on life; I do that sometimes.
May be there are some examples from others out there who learnt to love themselve in a different way, other than through finding a lover? Stories from anyone? I think moving towards beautiful and noble things, plants, birds, small children, long walks, may be pulls our life towards the noble and the beautiful in the world.
I trust what’s inside my head more than I trust the stuff I see, hear, smell
I studied Zen for a short while, which is so strikingly similar in many ways to modern psychology. There I was taught the opposite. The stuff inside my head is not always mine, it is
his and hers too. But when I put that away and start smelling the flowers, feeling the rain, tasting the wine, I start loving and living my life. Anyway, I had lots of problems with anxiety, and meditation really helped me with all that. May be Mum has something to add here?
I’m not that important to anyone, except myself.
(((((Portia))))) please don't say that......now you are making me cry. You deserve to find someone to whom you mean the world, sooner rather than later........
As for my elder sister, she is married and has two beautiful children whom she loves very much, and who love her back. But still she never learnt to love herself. I don't know why. Sometimes I think that she just never opened up to the world. Just to that tape recorder in her head that keeps playing and playing over and over again.