I really like your thread Tiffany. So I wrote a big reply.
I believe that every child is born to live productively.
People are not born evil, they are made to behave in evil ways as a direct consequence of their early childhood.
I’ve read an awful lot of Dorothy Rowe, Alice Miller and various psyche books in the past couple of years. One thing that comes through clear as a bell is:
people will think and feel and act according to how they were treated as young children and how they interpret that treatment.
Alice Miller does a great job looking at the childhoods of Hitler and other dictators. Everything has a reason. Nothing is ‘gratuitous’. The phrase ‘gratuitous violence’ is a contradiction.
It seems that a child treated cruelly needs only one caring, mirroring witness to grow with some sense of self. And that creates the ability to
transcend their need to act out their abuse.
Many experiments with twins have been done. Lots of incredibly cruel stuff was done to children in the first half of the last century in the name of scientific enquiry. I guess much is still to be uncovered about what was done. What we do know about is bad enough, to me.
It’s only very recently (last 40/30/20 years) that we’ve come to know (or perhaps admit to ourselves in certain countries and cultures) so much more about how babies develop and what is harmful to them.
I was reading about ‘swaddling’ clothes today. Swaddling was like a body bandage that restricted the baby’s movements from the neck down, from birth. Swaddling was used in many countries including Italy in 1930s to make the mom’s life easier. A swaddled baby is like an inert package that can be placed anywhere and will not move (cannot move). Swaddled babies were hung up on hooks to keep them out of the way of filthy floors, to allow mom to get on with her work. Swaddling was ‘believed’ to help the limbs grow strong and straight and that a baby left naked would behave like an animal and grow up to be less than human. I found this quite shocking information.
Anyway. It’s only recently that we’ve started to really believe that children are aware and react to their environment from before they’re born.
In the case of the twins, I’d imagine that a twin taken at birth and give a loving home would not grow up to be an abuser. A baby bonds with the mother face it is given. Given a constant loving mother figure (and it does not have to be the bio mom) and a loving environment, a baby will grow to trust, love, and become a secure, confident, loving self.
The brain is not finished at birth and everything that happens to a child in the first year to three years is critical in how that child will be.
I believe genes have a minimal effect on personality! I haven’t read anything about this, it’s just what I think from watching people and hearing about their pasts.
Genes are basic building blocks biology. The brain is a hugely complex thing running on electricity and stuff I know zero about. Brain research is fascinating stuff. When we’re born our brains are almost like blank slates (but not totally blank) ready for all the programming to take place. I see our brain at birth as having the Basic Operating System (as in computers). It tells our bodies how to breath, move, eat, recognise a face shape etc etc. As soon as we’re born the programming starts and we load lots of new software, rapidly. The basic system responds to certain stuff – physical touch, loving looks, loving sounds, mirroring faces and starts laying down networks for future thoughts and feelings.
Chemical and physical genetic predispositions are not the same as thoughts and ideas. It’s thoughts and feelings foremost that make us abusive, maybe a chemical imbalance second. But the brain produces its own chemicals and given a certain stimulus, it will change its own balance. It’s such complex stuff.
All this is my own interpretation of stuff I’ve read mixed with my own opinions.
If people were pre-programmed to self-destruct…..they wouldn’t live from the outset. They wouldn’t draw breath.
What of miscarried fetuses or stillbirths? Would the hypothesis allow for that? I’m not sure I understand what you mean here? I think if babies are miscarried or born dead (and not from medical or other mishap) then the baby had something ‘wrong’ with it. It wasn’t viable.
In surviving pain and suffering and self-hatred we grow and start to get better
That still seems a little counter-intuitive to me, Why? If we don’t survive that stuff…..we continue in self-hatred and suffering don’t we? If we go through the pain…it lessens and is replaced with something better. If we stay in the pain, we only feel pain. We have to survive the pain to grow. By surviving the pain, I mean going through it again. Doing the original pain work as it’s called by some.
but I am going to go along with my recent decision to acknowledge and validate my own negative feelings/projections when they arise and not stifle or quash them before they have an opportunity to reveal themselves.I don’t understand Tiff! I see it as you simply disagreeing with me, I don’t see projections or anything else. It’s okay to disagree. I like to know why and what it is I don’t understand. But I don’t want to be pushy either. What you say and what you respond to is your choice. No explanation necessary in some ways….sorry can’t express exactly what I mean here, except to say: say what you feel, please.
it's not so lovely to acknowledge my own pure rage and anger regarding my childhood, Nope it hurts like hell. That’s how it works. I think it must be true to say that everyone who changes for the better – grows, becomes more self-aware – experiences terrible pain. Who said it was lovely? I say it stinks but there’s no other way.
but I am becoming more and more determined to learn to cope in more effective ways so that I can advance to a more fulfilling adulthoodCoping. I don’t want you to cope. I don’t want anyone to cope. Coping is not dealing, is not solving, is not changing. Coping is continuing in the same place and fighting the ‘you’ inside that wants to yell and scream at what was done to you. It’s valid to feel pain and rage and anger. Therapy is one of the best places to do it. If you can do it with one person who listens to you, believes you and doesn’t judge you but allows you to revisit that pain….that’s how the pain lessens and is replaced with better understanding and a more realistic set of emotions (realistic emotions for adult life).
Coping is about scabbing over the wounds, covering them. Talking about advancing to a more fulfilling adulthood is talking to prop up your sense of false self. That’s my interpretation. I’ve done it and continue to do it. When I get threatened, I become so darn ‘right’ about what’s right for me. I get very ‘adult’ when I’m threatened.
I don’t want to become an adult in the sense of some closed-off, repressed, control-freak. I want to become more of a child with a bigger sense of curiosity and playfulness. I want to become happier with the universe! I don’t want to be ‘adult’ in some ways of interpreting that word. However, with more freedom to be playful and free, comes an additional commensurate level of self-responsibility. I take full responsibility for my self, my thoughts, my feelings, my actions. That’s pretty big stuff and not everyone wants that level of responsibility. Many people want to be told what to think, feel, do and they stay that way, pretty much as children.
I read how you are with your daughter and want to say: you’ve passed the line of being abusive, do you know that?
You’ve recognised what happened to you as wrong and in doing that, you’ve rejected it. Many people don’t, they simply do exactly what was done to them, they can’t see any further than that and they will defend their actions because they want to protect their internal images of their (loving) (in fact hating) parents. That’s denial.
You’ve grown beyond what was done to you. You’re a great mother. I think you maybe need to grieve the life that little 5 year old Tiff had, because it was cruel and terribly hurtful.
You have already stopped the cycle of abuse by recognising it for what it was. Cycles continue when nobody steps off the wheel: you’ve stepped off.