Thanks, Write.
I wish you could TOO. Don't give up. You deserve a warm, gentle, trustworthy family. You'll find them. I trust that.
When our Vespers started I went and had tea with a man afterward. He'd been away a long time and explained it was because he didn't like this or that about the previous minister, but now he's coming back because he really really likes this new minister (she, one of the pair, leads the evening Vespers). Then he disappeared again and when we next spoke I asked why and he didn't like this or that about her services, now.
I had the same trouble (not same as yours, the same as his) in many churches for a long time because I wanted the ministers to love me and heal my childhood wounds--I watched them like a hawk and judged every sermon and gesture for its faults. I didn't know that's what I was doing, though, at the time. Frankly, we've had a few I didn't like much at all--one cold fish in particular. But the place felt right as a whole, so I decided I would stop my minister-worship...they're just ministers...people....not mystics, not priests with magical powers of discernment or access to the divine...some of them are mediocre, a few toxic, most well-intentioned and fine. But regardless, the church is not them, but the people. (Kind of like the government! Yikes.) So I said to myself, ministers come and ministers go, but this is the right community for me. Over the years, that's helped. We're lucky now in having two wonderful, ethical, decent and caring co-ministers. I like them d lot and trust them both. Meanwhile, same dear old faces in the pews that were there 20+ years ago, and a host of new people. It's nice to sit there and meet someone new and say yep, started here in the 80s. (But I was in other churches in the denomination in other states when I lived that gave me a broader perspective on how they could vary a lot.)
Anyhow, I know there is a good community/family for you, Write. I know even better how very lucky they will be to have you find your way to them. They will have a deep, fine new human being among them. You will deepen THEIR lives, as much as the other way around. You are a gift to them. Just as you are. Warts and fears and all.
(Ain't nothing like the gratitude of the lonely for a safe welcoming hearth. Sez me.)
Knowing what you've been through, have you ever checked out the Sojourners? Or Society of Friends? Or UCC? (No need to answer, really. Just tossing thoughts. Not trying to start a comparitive religion thread, I promise!)