Thanks guys,
Thanks Sela and Darky, You two have been like a breath of fresh air. I feel like we are on the same page.
But when I really know I'm doing well is when I get lost in the moment of being alive, or start to create something. Or even just sit in simple peace. (Vespers helps, since we share silence. I go there for how-to-be-quiet lessons.)
Fantastic Hopalong, I know that alive feeling, and that feeling of peace. Also I agree with you, I'll never stop learning either.
Some of the things you listed like communication skills, how to parent, caring for others, etc. seem more like techniques to me. In other words, something we could take a class in and learn the formulas and patterns to and then just practice to get good at. Assuming that we already have good self-esteem and trust ourselves.[/color]
Longtire, Wow, you are soooo right, I have been learning all about techniiques and thats the easy part. There is no easy way to learn how to trust yourself or others. Or feel accepted, belonging etc. Yes, It is what it is and I need to accept every honest reality. I'm also learning that it can hurt to find out things about yourself you don't like. But to accept it and own it is what helps too. So information is head knowledge, we do need that but inner work is more vital. I don't want to do the right thing but not feel it. Thankyou so much for yout input and help.