I agree with moonlight52, I think it might be good for you at least to get this stuff in the open. Maybe you could all laugh about it, commiserate a little and understand things better. Maybe you can share ideas of how to deal with them together or see who has the greatest story of the lunacy of it all. Watch it and then destroy it. Might be kinda good.
God knows I wish I could even talk to my siblings about my N mom and enabler dad. NOT gonna happen,they are all in denial and I'm the loon. ..... so I say make the best of it as allies! Maybe just for you guys to do a little group-type therapy.
But I agree with everyone else here also on this point, they won't ever see it as a chance to look at themselves. They don't need to see it. You will all be villian-ized by them anyway. "They just don't understand what is wrong with you! What IS YOUR problem?"
They are impossible. Aren't they? Just YOU get well any way you can!!
Take Care