Hi Nightsong,
Some of my family members are quite controlling and my husband used to be very controlling. I put up with it for a while because I was conditioned to it from my family. My husband is a good husband too in many ways. However It did kill our friendship and intimacy after a while. I think people are controlling because of many different factors. There are probably reasons behind his controlling behavior. I really think it's worth looking into the why. Especially since it seems that your husband has a kind spirit. He seems to have a strong view that he needs to be in control. He probably knows on some level that it's not right but he probably doesn't know how to live without his need to control. Anyway, I'll tell you about my hubby....
My hubby is the eldest child of his family so as a child he was given alot of responsibility. Also his personality is very much a natural leader, take charge kind of person. So already he had this controlling way about him.
His dad was and is an emotionally unavailable father and his mum is a depressed, needy and abusive person. He was extremely hurt by the way he was raised and doesn't really remember alot of his childhood. He felt alone and as a child and ignored. He was also bullied. By the time he was 13, he found he was pysically strong. He didn't bash people but he threatened to if they harassed him. He also learnt that by shutting down his emotions and putting up a brick wall and being in charge at all times protected him and nobody could hurt him. He learnt not to trust anybody to get close to him too. When we dated he was the boss but I was used to my controlling mother. I was attracted to his witty, charming, intellect, ambitious and caring nature. He was a bit arrogant and cocky too but that didn't bother me at the time. We got married and as soon as we were married, he changed, he kept me at a distance, he no longer was playful and fun. He controlled me to fit the mould of a wife in his head. To be compliant, not complain, to nurture him and always show respect. He had the say in many aspects of our marriage. He became this robot kind of guy that assumed the husband role of demanding respect, he hardly talked unless it was about something he was interested in. He sometimes seemed genuine and tried hard to be nice and all that but it was always controlled and at a distance. When I was upset about something, he would comfort me but if I was upset with him, he would become this stranger who then would either completely clam up and ignore me or tell me he was going out for a while and when he got back for me to get over my issue. I was never able to talk to him about issues, he would never hear it, however he never had a problem with telling me what he didn't like about me. I used to cry alot and be mad at him but felt powerless. I resented him and backed off emotionally from him too.
We both had low self esteem and were both abused in many ways as children.
Anyway, after alot of help and self growth we discovered that we had alot of baggage from our past and brought it into our marriage. He emotionally blocked out his parents and burried himself in university and work so when he married me, he blocked out me and was emotionally unavailable to me because he thought emotions were weak and unrelyable because they weren't factual, he didn't understand them, everything had to be logical in his worldview. He did say he loved me and I loved him, there were times we went along our merry ways and were pleasant to each other. We did go out and do the whole, "we are happy" act. I found many hobbies to fulfill me. I felt unable to express my feelings and was again allowed no voice so I thought I was not worthy of voice. Also We had two beautiful children and I then realized after the birth of my first child that he was going to be loved and is going to be confident and I was going to be the best mother to him ever. It was then that I started being assertive to my hubby, he hated it. He is a great father and we do agree with alot of parent issues. He also shows warmth and care towards them. He is extremely nurturing with them. This used to baffle me because he still was distant from me. Anyway after alot of help, my husband broke down and opened up. He was like this sad and teary person who felt that people hurt if you open up to them. Also of childhood pain came out and he is incredibly afraid of rejection from me. He had issues with trusting women. His mother was horrible to him there are many many damaging things she did. He thought that if I knew the real him, I wouldn't like him and wouldn't understand him. He didn't want me to leave him so he thought if her came across like the big strong man, I would respect him more. I told him I loved him for him and I want to know the real him. After his choice to allow himself to longer control me, or circumstances and accept himself. We have both on a journey to healing and he still sometimes takes charge but I also realize that there are times when thats ok. But to allow me to be my own person and that we need to compromise on things. Boundary books have been really helpful too.
Anyway, whatever reason why your hubby is controlling, I think working out the why will help you guys. Because it's not ok for him to controll you. Good luck