Author Topic: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun  (Read 72141 times)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #105 on: November 17, 2006, 11:16:55 AM »
I remember learning something about cats that struck me as terribly funny:

When they bring a dead mouse or vole or whatever and dump it at the threshold, they are not trying to feed the family. They are trying, with great patience, to teach their humans to hunt.

(How frustrating for them! :lol:)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #106 on: November 17, 2006, 11:33:28 AM »
Iris really loves t.v. last night she watched the Disney movie "Cars" with us she really watches amazing .I thought she just liked animals but she watches other stuff too.

But what she likes the best is birds she does get soooooooooooooooo  excited about birdies

And finds the highest spot she can when watching the tube.......



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #107 on: November 17, 2006, 11:42:14 AM »
Ooo, please rent The Parrots of Telegraph Hill for Iris!
(Maybe she'll let you watch it with her. Or maybe you've seen it already.)

I think you, Mr. Moon and both moonlets would love it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #108 on: November 17, 2006, 11:52:01 AM »
Hi ya Hops OK

We will rent it this weekend

I am sure Iris will just love it with your recommendation and PP

I am sure moon family will love it :D :D :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #109 on: November 17, 2006, 03:16:18 PM »
I vaguely remember hearing somewhere about a dog that loves to watch TV so much that he licks the screen when his favorite character comes on!  I wish I can remember where I saw that.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #110 on: November 19, 2006, 01:47:48 AM »
I've just come home from visiting with friends who happen to have a four-legged clown for a cat!   :lol:  While the group of us were chattng, "Cozmo" was playing with his toy which was a ball encased in a track about 18 inches in diameter.  After smacking the ball around faster and faster, he then stuck his forelegs into both sides of the track, scooted it across the floor, then somehow managed to get it on his head and started scooting it around that way!!  He was cracking us all up with his antics!   :lol:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #111 on: November 19, 2006, 05:16:30 PM »
BTW, watching Cozmo's antics last night reminded me of another crazy cat I encountered during my childhood.  I was visiting with some neighbors on a summer day and was sitting in one of those summer loungers with the webbing/weave.  Because it was summer, I was wearing shorts.  While I was chatting with my neighbor, I suddenly felt a strange sensation on my rear end which kept repeating itself at regular intervals!   :shock:  When I finally figured out the timing of these strange sensations on my seat, I quickly jumped up and twirled to see this Siamese cat's paw poking through the webbing and waving widly!!!   :shock: :shock:  It was as if the cat was saying:  "Where did she go?!?!?  Where did she go?!?!?!  My target's gone!!!!!!"  Turned out the cat had been sneaking underneath my seat, would whack me on my bum, run around the house, sneak back under my seat and repeat the performance!!!   :shock: :lol: :shock: :lol:  Crazy Cat!!!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #112 on: November 19, 2006, 05:23:55 PM »
 :lol: That's a riot.

A Buttock-Attack Cat! Very special breed...

I remember once being out on the terrace on a chaise, reading, and a bird flew and perched on my head. It was a long minute before it startled and I remember laughing because I was thinking it was thinking, wait! This hairy fencepost just wiggled!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #113 on: November 19, 2006, 06:21:01 PM »
:lol: That's a riot.

A Buttock-Attack Cat! Very special breed...

I remember once being out on the terrace on a chaise, reading, and a bird flew and perched on my head. It was a long minute before it startled and I remember laughing because I was thinking it was thinking, wait! This hairy fencepost just wiggled!


That's funny!!   :lol:

That reminds me of a wild bunny that I encountered one night.  As I was getting off duty, I saw two bunnies play-chasing each other in the parking lot then run behind the facility.  Just as I turned around to open my car door, one of the bunnies came running pell-mell around the car and stopped short from crashing into me!  The look on its face was priceless the second it saw me!!   :shock:  I just waved at it and said "Hi, Sweetie-Baby!"  It turned and R-A-N!!!!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #114 on: November 20, 2006, 09:49:04 AM »
hahaha!  Bones!!

That reminds me of one big scary dog (who doesn't like gun shots and fire crackers).....was outside, up at our cabin, when someone was hunting.  Bang!  And my dog took off like a bat outta H E double hockey sticks!!

Ran like the wind.....down through the ravine......up the other side and across one neighbour's property.....and as she came to the next neighbour's place, I guess they had a visitor who was just about to leave and he had opened the door of his pick up truck, ready to step in......

......when out of no a big hairy flash......flew my dog......straight by his legs, whizzed by the steering wheel......right into the passenger seat of his truck (and he says she looked at him with a look that said something like:   "I have no idea who you are or where you're going but pullllllllleeeeze get me outta here!").

 :D Sela


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #115 on: November 20, 2006, 02:36:48 PM »
hahaha!  Bones!!

That reminds me of one big scary dog (who doesn't like gun shots and fire crackers).....was outside, up at our cabin, when someone was hunting.  Bang!  And my dog took off like a bat outta H E double hockey sticks!!

Ran like the wind.....down through the ravine......up the other side and across one neighbour's property.....and as she came to the next neighbour's place, I guess they had a visitor who was just about to leave and he had opened the door of his pick up truck, ready to step in......

......when out of no a big hairy flash......flew my dog......straight by his legs, whizzed by the steering wheel......right into the passenger seat of his truck (and he says she looked at him with a look that said something like:   "I have no idea who you are or where you're going but pullllllllleeeeze get me outta here!").

 :D Sela

 :lol: :lol:  That FUNNY!!!!   :lol: :lol:

When I was camping with friends at a cabin in West Virginia, we had an ADORABLE puppy with us.  Needless to say, we BABIED him!  One day we were sitting outside the cabin on foldng chairs.  The puppy was on a leash that was tied to the leg of the chair his owner was sitting in.  As we chatted, he was curled up, asleep, under the chair.  At one point, the puppy's owner had to go inside the cabin to use the restroom so she quietly got up, so that the "baby" wouldn't wake up and walked up onto the cabin's porch.  Before she could reach the door, the puppy woke up and R-A-N as fast as his little legs could take him after his "Mommy", totally forgetting that his leash was tied to the folding chair!!!  Because the chair was made of light-weight aluminum, it clattered behind him and scared him so bad that he left a trail of "pee" in his wake!!!  The rest of us were trying to catch up with the "baby" so we can get control over the chair.  Both the puppy's owner and myself hugged the "baby" while he shook and cried.  We made sure he got a LOT of extra love that day!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #116 on: November 20, 2006, 04:33:28 PM »
I love that one, Sela! You reminded me of Herriott (I've started watching the PBS show, but nothing beat his books.)

(Poor little pups, Bones. He'd be irratonally terrified of chairs, hope he got therapy.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #117 on: November 20, 2006, 09:17:22 PM »
I would help the thread along, but my animals who do funny things are of the small human type and I don't think that counts under this heading :)

I can say that Henry likes to steal just one shoe from any guest who comes into the house and put it in his bed. Not sure what it means... maybe that he noticed someone was visiting?

Love, Beth

Oh, one of my dear departed cats had a shoe fetish... I hadn't thought about Michael and shoes for a while. Thanks for reminding me, it was so funny and sweet.

This silly old sweet guy was just NUTS about my shoes, especially the leather low-heeled pumps I wore to work [still do]. Pretty much all my working life, the first thing I do when I get home is change out of my shoes and work togs, and have a quick foot soak - about five minutes, just a little hot water in the tub. Nearly every day, I'd pop out of the bathroom in my slippers, and Michael would be in the bedroom, with his face mooshed up into the toe of one of my shoes and holding the other one in his front paws like a cuddly toy. Purring so hard you could SEE his sides moving.

My ex used to refer to him as Michael, the Feline Purrvurrt...

It was nice to be loved, but a little strange to be loved for my stinky shoes!!!!!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 09:21:12 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #118 on: November 20, 2006, 09:58:12 PM »
How funny!  :lol:

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #119 on: November 21, 2006, 09:33:44 AM »
Awwww Bones,  :(.  Poor wee lad eh?  Scared his little self.  :shock:  I bet it was a funny scene at the time and I'm glad ya'll gave him lot's of extra attention after that one.  Poor little guy.

Hey Beth:
I would help the thread along, but my animals who do funny things are of the small human type and I don't think that counts under this heading.

I'd love to hear your funny stories!  Hope you'll tell us sometime!   :D

Oh Hops I love James Harriott's books!   Truly a joy to read him!

Speaking of H can't keep a pair of slippers on the floor.  If he goes out, and forgets to put them up high some place, when he gets back, our TasmanianTillymonster has ingested them!!  For some reason she adores his stink.  She also steals face cloths out of the laundry basket and chews them to bits too, if the opportunity presents itself. 

What is it about dogs and stink?  I guess maybe it's got something to do with their evolution from the bear?  (I read that both dogs and cats came from the same animal, that later became the bear......don't know the name of it .. :?).  Nothing loves stink like a bear, so they say!!  I suppose cats have the same inherited ......fetish.

 :D Sela