I was raised by a Christian father and a non-practicing anything mother. (divorced, so my mother had no influence over my spiritual path). My father knows that I am not following his religion, and it saddens him, but he is not pushy and we generally don't discuss religion that much because of it.
I want to state up front that I do not normally tell people any of my religious beliefs, because I have absolutely no desire to debate them, and they are still evolving every day, so to me personally, I am not interested in anyone else's opinion on something that to me is deeply personal. That being said, I also would like to state that my opinions and beliefs are strictly my own, and I mean no offence to anyone. If you don't like what I have to say, I'm sorry, but I'm not getting into discussing it except for this instance.
I am not Christian. I believe that most organized religions are not healthy, nor do they follow the teachings as they were intended. Any religion that states there is only one magic key to get into eternal happiness is just plain silly IMO.
I believe that "heaven," for lack of a better term, is a bit like, oh say, Hawaii. I've never been to Hawaii, but I have heard it is really great, and someday I'd like to go there. Thing is, there are people telling me that the only way I will ever get to Hawaii is by buying a ticket with their special airline, and packing only these certain items (list provided) and if I'm not at the gate on this EXACT second (please see ticket) with the proper items, then I will never get to Hawaii.
I think to myself, well, Hawaii was around a whole lot longer than any of these people, or even since they formed their tour group and wrote up their travel guides, so maybe there used to be other ways of getting there, so I started doing a little research. I found other airlines and even boats, all with different routes, requirements and modes of transport. I start looking for what made since to me, and realized that there are many different ways to reach Hawaii.... and maybe Hawaii wasn't the only stop I'd like to make....
Which is a silly little story to show how I came up with my ideas. I am mostly interested in Daoism as a philosophical rather than religious journey, but I believe bits and pieces of several other religions, so I guess I am also a bit of a "cafeteria" type as well.
I meditate. I like doing it outside, but I have a peacful place where I can do it inside as well. I light candles and incense. I let things drift in and out of my conciousness and try to work through problems, release anger, and get in touch with myself. I am more of a karma-beliving nature worshipper, but I'm not a touchy-feely tree-hugging eat vegan kind of person. I have no grief with those that are (I have great admiration for those that can) but I eat meat, I consume more than I save, and I deal with it.
I read, I write, I draw and paint. I had gotten away from my art in the last several years, but I believe that was because my spirit had been so supressed I lost the joy of artistic expression. I do believe that doing these things are a way of "praying."
I see spiritual embodiments in everyday things, and am thankful of them, I think the true "holy" spirit is in us, and in the simple things that are around us... the way a flock of birds take flight and soar above the trees (I call it the bird ballet), sunlight filtering through green leaves and dappling the ground in the spring, the poetry of a fish swimming through water. I hear the voice of the "higher power/God/Goddess" in all of those things and more.