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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2006, 12:02:44 AM »
It's a real problem highly-functioning people are not taken seriously as contenders for mental illness.

Everyone expects people with mental illness to be incoherent, lacking insight or wisdom, incapable.

When you say to a doctor 'I'm hearing voices and I know it's not right' so many don't know how to respond: they have been taught that psychosis goes 'in this box'- with no self-awareness...

I RARELY tell anyone these days I have a severe mental illness. In fact my companion physical illness- endometriosis- is what I use mostly as an explanation.

The Dr who has prescribed them in the past is my ob/gyn. I hear some of you saying that I need a Psychologist. But aren't they just going to keep trying me on different things until "one" is good like my OB/GYN?  Can you explain to me the difference?

what you need is a good psychiatrist Healme.

Someone with experience of taking note of history and symptoms who will listen to your concerns and help you work out the best treatment for you.

Are you in the US? In a large city?
You may have to travel to find the right psychiatrist. But once you find a good psychiatrist- someone you can trust who gets to know you and is interested in helping you the individual- I have not looked back since.

A lot of my illness is gynaecological, but I do not believe my gynaecologist has the expertise to discuss or prescribe for mental illness. And in fact- it's why I trust her as a gynaecologist the fact she doesn't try to, but always refers me on for anything outside her own field.

I will probably go back to her later this year for an endometrial ablation though: I am currently having too much minor illness, diarrhea/ back pain/ heavy periods/ anaemia. The same hormones which affect the bipolar seem to trigger the endometriosis.


Generic general practice was too too common in England, and in my opinion the scourge of modern medicine and the downfall of the UUK NHS.

By the time so many people reach the expert they need their illness is already life-threatening or impacting severely on quality of life.

The US model of specialisation has undoubtedly increased medical expertise and competence and enhanced service-delivery.


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2006, 12:29:46 AM »
I amy differ from others, but I think the meds allow you to gain clear insight into your life and then begin to work through your problems. Being on depression medication is, I believe, a medical necessity for some (it is for me). I was to the point that I didn't even enjoy playing with my children. I have been on anti-depressants now for three years, still have some ups and downs, but work an AA program and have great realtionships, peace and even happiness. But I have only been able to work on these things once I got help for the deep depression. When I was in that slump, I couldn't see any way out.
Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are and what you decide to do.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2006, 08:10:48 AM »
I am going to place a call to my T today to see about a pshychologist prescribing meds. I don't want to change from my T even though she can't prescribe meds.

I live in the US and in a rather small town, however, a larger city is within driving distance. I am confident that she will be able to connect me with someone.

I have lost quality of life. I have not lifted a finger in my house in over a week, I have tuned the kids out and my husband has taken over my duties....I just want to go to bed and not get back up. It is obvious that I need help.

I will let you know how it goes.........


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2006, 09:01:22 AM »
Sweetie, you're going to be okay. And Write is right, you need a psychiatrist (M.D.) to prescribe you some Rx...or at least to give you a thorough evaluation. A psyschologist (Ph.D.) or social worker (M.S.W.) is not licensed to prescribe medication, though they can do therapy. I am in the same situtation, which is that I see a psychologist for therapy but need an M.D. for Rx.

Make the call, please! And let us know when you are going.

What a rough time. Please have faith this can and will get better.


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2006, 09:06:21 AM »
I will reiterate what write and I both said before--you want a psychiatrist to prescribe your meds.  Psychologists do not have the same level of training or medicinal background.  There would be no reason to quit your current T if he/she is good for you.  The psych will only monitor the meds.  An ob/gyn is not trained to know these meds and takes their info from a book, not years of personal experience.  You would not use your ob if you were having problems with your gall bladder--same thing with your brain chemistry.

Yes we probably do overmedicate in this country, but serious depression is not something that you just feel your way through.  AD's do not remove the feelings, but help to stop that swirling the drain feeling where you cannot move forward and function.  I have a son who is ADHD who many thought I should not medicate.  I'm so glad I did as it saved his life (and mine, for that matter).  He has done so well as a result and is currently a pre-med student with a very full life (and yes, he still is on his meds and knows he will probably need them for the rest of his life). 

Unless you have a chronic mental health problem, I do not think being on meds indefinitely is a good thing, but when in that dark hole with no hope of climbing out, your home and children are being neglected and you don't feel life is worth living--at least worth a try.

Good luck healme in finding a good psychiatrist.



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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2006, 09:10:00 AM »
PS, HealMe--
If you see a psychiatrist for meds, you'd probably go maybe once a month after your first appointment, then once every 3 months, and then twice a year, or something similar. (Intervals vary, up to the psychiatrist, but you get the idea...)

It doesn't replace or compete with your regular therapy appointments.

That help?

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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2006, 01:00:14 PM »
Thank you for helping me to take this step. Before I have always counted on my ob/gyn...which were got good results. So, I have called a couple of the psychiatrists that my T recommended. Based on what you have said, I feel better dealing with a psychiatrist.

Brigid, you are right...I want nothing less than to be happy, at peace and enjoying my life. But I can't....I can't make myself..will myself....or hope myself out of this..........I have earnestly tried for 15 yrs. I think it is time to admit that I have a mental problem (depression).  If I could change it on my own.....I would have done it a long time ago.

Hops...thanks for clearing up the psychiatrist appointment did you know that I was dreading see another Dr.? It makes me feel better that it is not another weekly or potential mthly appointment.

I will be in touch....


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2006, 10:34:56 PM »
I believe 100% that when you are in the depths of depression, the right medication is a necessity. I KNOW what awful depression and constant anxiety are and I NEVER want to go back there. I am so happy to have my life back and my life is GOOD.
My only bit of advice is to make sure that you get the right medication, healme. If you are not feeling a change within two - three weeks or feel in any way worse, contact your doctor immediately. It may take just a bit of time to get yourself set. Don't give up hope before everything clears up!!!! In a short while you will look back and be so glad you got started on getting well.
I did not got rhough a psychologist or psychiatrist, but through my GP and now OBGYN. I don't remember if you have any psychiatric problems, but if not, this might be all you need to give you a push in the right direction. Is there depression in your family? More often than not, depression is hereditary and nothing at all to be embarrassed about.
Take care and good luck and please keep posting!!
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2006, 08:53:30 PM »
I have an appointment in 2 weeks with a  psychiatrist. Meanwhile, I contacted my ob/gyn who put me on 37.5 mg of Effexor XR to get me to the appointment. Although he said I would not really feel a difference with only 37.5 mg....I do feel some difference. Really more of a numbing feeling. Welcomed nevertheless.

I think in the past few days I have come to make peace with having depression. And yes, it does run in my family. Somehow...the superwoman that I am...thought I could be the exception. Wrong....but I am going to learn to deal with it.

Thank you for all for your guidance.....


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2006, 09:20:14 PM »
Hi Healme  I am so happy for you .You are on the right road .Hey whats the difference between having high blood pressure and depression .They are just illnesses that run in families that need to be treated .Thats all. I bet you and your husband are feeling a good deal better just being proactive.
All the best to you Healme

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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2006, 08:24:38 AM »
I have experienced both and am currently doing ADs with therapy AGAIN for the 3rd time since being in therapy nearly my entire adult life! UGH!

This time I noticed that a dose which was too high caused me to bury my feelings. My current dose seems to be the correct one because the feelings are now coming to the surface.

For me I am taking the ADs at this time for complicated or compounded grief -- grieving many things at once. Mainly I am grieving the loss of my companion dog, Behr. The one year anniversary of his death is coming up next month and that is bringing up all kinds emotions for me. I never though I would feel this way about losing a pet - but I do.

All I know is I couldn't go through this intense time of complicated grief without ADs.

I am taking Zoloft, 100 mg. I tried taking 125 mg and that was a disaster. I had some severe reactions to it like heart pounding in my ears, palpitations, a rash, a strange sensation in my head which I can't really describe -- kind of like my eyes couldn't keep up with my head, and extreme dizziness. All of this is gone on the 100 mg dose. Also I couldn't keep in touch with my emotions. I was like frozen, not any longer.
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Sallying Forth

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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2006, 08:33:14 AM »
I am going to place a call to my T today to see about a pshychologist prescribing meds. I don't want to change from my T even though she can't prescribe meds.

I live in the US and in a rather small town, however, a larger city is within driving distance. I am confident that she will be able to connect me with someone.

I have lost quality of life. I have not lifted a finger in my house in over a week, I have tuned the kids out and my husband has taken over my duties....I just want to go to bed and not get back up. It is obvious that I need help.

I will let you know how it goes.........

Hello Healme,
I can so much relate to what you have said here. I've been there and was there for over 10 years!

I am there again and taking ADs! I just need to be where I am. Sometimes I lay in bed all day and do nothing. Sometimes I let the dishes go and/or the house work. Everyday is different. I have accepted this journey of grief wherever it takes me.

BTW my physician prescribed my meds. I have seen the same T for 14 years and he didn't notice I was needing ADs. He figured it out afterwards that I was suffering from complicated grief.

Glad to hear you are taking the next step and taking care of you.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2006, 04:27:39 PM »
Hi HealMe- great to hear you have an appt. to see a psychiatrist. I agree with others who have recommended this in terms of meds. Some family docs are very knowledgable about anti depressants but it's been my experience that the majority just haul out the med bible- so to speak- and look it up. Most are not astute in terms of prescribing accurate and effective doses or knowing about tailoring and fine tuning, or augmenting meds. I'm biloplar and probably have over the decades taken just about every anti depressant known to man- in N. America anyway!. Europe has some interesting new meds that aren't available or being used here. I can totally relate to you being so incapacitated you're not able to care for yuourslef- let alone your family- and not being able to do any  housework. I get so deperssed  I can't shower for many weeks- lovely, i know!- or even take my garbage out- let alone lift a finger to do anything else! right now my apartment looks as bad as any really ill client has- I work as a nurse in mental health in the community. I'm having a friend come in next week to do a monster clean. She's th eone person I'll actually open my door to and let in as I'm pretty humiliated and embarassed by current state of squalor! As for meds- again- sometimes what has been effective for long time in thepast, suddenly stops working- and it's back to the guinea pit drawing board! Huga Moirs
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2006, 07:57:37 PM »
Just FYI, dosage-wise, my doc started me on the lowest to see how it affected me (20mg of Paxil) and then when I was okay, he asked if I wanted to go up a notch. Since I was feeling better, I decided that that would be enough. I still have challenging days... but the way a normal, feeling person does. That was hard for me... figuring out what was a normal feeling and what was depression once I started the meds. It takes a bit for your mind to settle and for you to recognize how you feel about things. My 12 step group, of course, has been a huge help in continuing to learn about myself. I recently switched to Celexa, as my doctor said it doesn't cause weight gain the way Paxil can. The transition has been fine. I have felt no real difference.
At any rate, that's just my experience... not a recommendation of any sort!
Love, Beth
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Re: Therapy and Anti-depressants
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2006, 10:22:14 PM »
What a wonderful analogy... depression goggles. It's so true. I also felt like there was no person inside me. I felt like I was just doing what I needed to do to survive and had nothign at all beyond that. The grayness is exactly what it is.
It's funny, I have been well for so long I have lost touch with those bleak feelings!
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams