Hi ANewSheiff,
I am about in exactly the same boat as you. I have been blaming myself for 25 years for being different from my family... they must not like me because I don't have the same interests, or Because I live far away now, or because I was a bad child, or... I couldn't even think of what else to fill in. But I knew there had to be some reason my mother didn't like me and it must have been my fault.
I work a program... am in AA, and was trying to make amends and all and realizes after finding out about NPD that all I was doing was feeding her. She loves to hear how wrong I was. She thinks all children are basically rotten and annoying, so of course she didn't like me. I was a good student, went to a fabulous college, have a Master's degree, but am basically a weird person to her and someone who "always does bad things," although the things she always assumes I do are not things I have done mostly. It is so strange.
Lately I feel kind of bad for her, because she seems not to know anymore how to have her type of control with me, so she is floundering and confused. For many years, long before I knew about NPD (I just found out a few months ago), I refused to play her games. When she started crying, raging, insinuation, whatever, I walked away until she decided it wasn't effective and for the most part stopped doing it. She always tries once or twice to engage me if I am around her, but she usually backs off. And fortunately, I have a father who does not buy into her little fantasies about my supposed behaior, so at least I have been able to have half the sef esteem I should have had.
At any rate, I wish I knew the answer for you, but I don't. I am working through it one day at a time and trying not to hold resentments (so hard to do!!!).
Take care and let us know how things are going.
Love, Beth