Author Topic: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....  (Read 4874 times)


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I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:26:43 AM »
Sounds like a country and western song but it's the story of my life.

Or the recent story ........anyhow.  :roll:

I never noticed it before.  Now........I do.  I was just MSN'ing with a "friend".
I read and I read and I replied and I cheered and ooo'd and awww'd and read and read and tried to put bits in......about experience.......which were all ignored while my "friend" went on and on and on and I read and replied and acknowledged and ........

jeepers.  I almost wish I didn't know what I know...or think I know... so I could go happily about thinking I still have the odd friend in this world who is somewhat "normal" .......

truth is........there are a lot more Nish than I ever noticed or knew to notice or what it feels like now......can't help but notice.  :roll: Too many of the Nish.

 :( :( :(

I don't even want to talk about myself.  I just want to be acknowledged when I do finally say something.....find the words to share something.  How do I attract these people?   How can a person talk like that about themselves, for over an hour and never ask:  "So how are you?"  or "What's new with you?"  or at least say something to show they read what you wrote about how you are or what's new with you?

I guess that's a pretty stupid question eh?  Nevermind.

It's like I wasn't even there.......on the other end of that conversation.  Like I don't even exist.  I feel like such an object.  And at the "friend" wrote:

"It's been nice chatting with you" and I'm thinking......."chatting with me?  is that what that was?  it felt more like reading a novel real time.......'as it is written'.......or something...poor quality too."

But do I ever say anything?  Nope.  Do I ever stand up for myself and just be honest.  Not in those circumstances.  It feels like a waste of time.

Oh well.  Just feeling a bit sorry for myself, I guess.

I don't want to turn into a hermit but I'm halfway there.....some days.  I just have to do a little weeding out.
Ignor that flashing MSN thingy sometimes.   Be picky--er.

Sing a different song or somethng. :arrow:



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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 09:26:13 AM »
I, too, had a good friend--she was actually my very best friend for over 8 years and we used to do things as couples all the time--who would call me at least once every day to tell me what was going on in her life.  Three days a week, we used to walk our dogs together for over an hour and she would talk the entire time about the problems she was having with her children, husband, brother, whatever, without ever asking how my life was.  When it started to become so clear to me how N she was, was when we were building our house, which was a very exciting but stressful time for me, and during that entire 9 month process she never once asked how it was going, if I liked how it looked, if she could go look at it--NOTHING.  I would try to bring it up and she would change the subject.  And her husband had designed the house and we loved what he had done.  It just became more and more uncomfortable and weird.  I did confront her about it at one time, but it made no difference.

She did the same thing with everyone around her and we all got very tired of it and eventually pulled away from her.  She finally left her husband because he wouldn't listen to her constant woes and be sympathetic.  Interestingly, she had a father who loved her to death and thought everything she did was golden.  When he died, she got much worse since no one else would endlessly put up with her contant self-pity.  She was not happy unless she had something to complain about and have people feel sorry for her.  I have watched her make new friends, burn them out and move on to someone new for years since.  I can't believe how long I put up with it, but of course, I had lived with a man for 20 years who was the same way, so I guess I was a sucker for that behavior. Thankfully, no more.



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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2006, 09:36:42 AM »
Thankyou Sugarre.  That response was right on what I was feeling and actually......what I needed to hear.  And you were able to sort through the confusion and give me back a little hope.  Thankyou so much Sugarre.

It's sad for me to have to weed through old friends and see that they are no longer appropriate for me.  I used to think a had a large pool of support but as I learn more about me and narcissistic prone people, the pool just has to decrease.  It leaves me feeling, at times, alone and regretful....

Yep.  That's how I was feeling.......sad.......alone.......regretful and I agree the "pool" of Nish has to decrease.....there are people I thought of as supportive who are not appropriate for me now because actually......they aren't supportive at all.....they're using me for support/validation/whatever and it's not reciprocal.

I just created polite distance.

That's probably all I have to do.  There doesn't have to be a big...........separation thingy.

.....but I sure feel better about making authentic new friends.

Yes!!  So true!!  I must be careful to remember to celebrate this because I do feel better about that.....I have made some new authentic friends and it is not only worth's worth rejoicing about (at least in my own head)!!!

I go complaining about the loss of those who really, I cannot trust or rely on and I forget to be glad about being so lucky to find those I can trust and rely on.  Sometimes, I just don't know where my brain goes.  :? :?

Thanks for you post Sugarre.  It means so much to me.  You heard me and validated my feelings and gave me an important reminder.  I really appreciate you bothering.

Hey Brigid:

Quote I guess I was a sucker for that behavior.

Were you?  Was I?  Or were we just uneducated/misinformed about how to share and what friendship really is?  I was feeling like there must be something wrong with me when I posted last night.  Like I'm not a good judge of people and it must be myyyyyyyy fault.....after all.....IIIIIIIIIIII chose the friend/s.

But now I'm starting to see it differently (different day.......different mood......different thoughts/feelings).  Today.....I'm thinking.....maybe I shouldn't kick myself for not knowing stuff and just be glad I finally learned it (and hope I don't forget it!  :shock:)?  Maybe it's not all meeeeee and myyyy choooosing but luck has something to do with it and the other person does some choosing too??   And hopefully I will get better as judging people as I go along and maybe I just had to learn a few lessons along the way?  I don't know.

Thankfully, no more.

That gives me hope too Brigid.  Thankyou.  Maybe from now on.......I'll choose better and not be so easily chosen??



portia guest

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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 10:08:26 AM »

You are very much here, and you very much exist and I for one say

Thank goodness!!!!!!  :D :D :D

We need more Selas please, more people who can Think and Feel and Listen and Speak and Not Be Objects.

For those who talk and talk are rather behaving like objects themselves…not requiring any real connections, not relying on responses to get them yakking, no. They only need an audience, someone to yak to. Sad of course.

Are they all Ns? I don’t know. Sure seems like there’s a lot of selfish, self-obsessed behaviour these days. Some of it seems pure madness to me.

Ahhh *sigh*….so you feel bad…..invalidated, so to speak. I think I understand. They do my head in. They call and yak for 2 hours and if they do say ‘how are you’ it ain’t an in-depth question. Say anything remotely ‘real’ and it gives them an opportunity to criticise you :(, or, tell a story about how they did something similar and they did ‘better’ than you :x. Or be horrified at your truth and react as though you have hurt them by telling them!!  :o Oh yeah.

But do I ever say anything?  Nope.  Do I ever stand up for myself and just be honest.  Not in those circumstances.  It feels like a waste of time.

I don’t know, I’ve not tried it….or have I? Only with parents and it doesn’t work: I get upset, they don’t, I feel like I’m bonkers and they react like I’m bonkers.

What would you say? “I haven’t enjoyed this conversation because…..”? Like you say, what’s the point? Even if they listen, and say they’ll listen to you, you know that they’ll be doing it like a robot, because it’s required of them so that they get ‘their turn’. It’s no fun when you know someone is only half-listening.

I am a hermit and the phone line is heavily guarded with several levels of protection!  8)

Personally I’ve had enough. When I’ve told the most emotionally-wrenching things to people and they just say “oh yeah, something similar happened to me…..” well, what’s the point. I’m talking mother, father here, not an acquaintance. But ‘friends’ have done it too. So I don’t have friends in 3D life. I’m sick of being labelled and having all my reactions put into other peoples’ boxes of me. Their limited, focussed, constrained ideas of who I am.

How do you attract these people? I guess you listen? And show empathy? And for many, many people a show of empathy is a sign of ‘friendship’ to them. And if they decide that you are their friend, that’s all it takes for them. It doesn’t need any damn reciprocity!

It isn’t just Ns. It’s anyone locked inside their own head. Depression can do it, various things can do it I think.

And there aren’t that many folks it seems who want real solutions and answers. Some appear happiest when they’re moaning and being a victim and if you suggest a way through – whoah! No thanks!

I look at people on the street, on the train etc and watch for their eyes. So few people have alive eyes! Even young children have had their eyes dimmed, you can see it so easily. But those who haven’t…..those are the ones I want to take to the park and feed the birds and play with the leaves and grass and watch the clouds.

I’m sure you have alive eyes Sela. I’m almost 100% positive you do!  :D (and that’s a bit absolute for me).

You have exceptional gifts but some people won’t/can’t see them.

Myth or truth, not sure which: Maurice Saatchi was walking through New York and spotted a blind man sitting on the street, holding a sign which read
“Blind, please help”. Maurice took out a pen and amended the sign to read:
“Blind, and it’s Spring, please help.”

Not sure of the point of that story but I like it. :D

More another day. (((((((((Sela)))))))))

PS Background music for singing to: (I like the middle two on…)


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 12:02:13 PM »
 :cry: :| :) :cry: :| :) :D :D

You always make me smile through my tears ((((((((((P))))))))))).

Thankyou for those singing horsies.   And for your clear insights and words and your giant empathy.

You have exceptional gifts but some people won’t/can’t see them.

So do you Portia.  Thankyou for being my non-selfish, non-self obsessed thinking feeling listening speaking connecting friend.  You give me great hope.

And you're right's not just N's.  They can't all be N's or most likely aren't.

Maybe the point of the blind man story is.......he's blind, he needs help......that isn't going to change....but it's spring........a time when stuff beginnings......fresh......a good time to change from being a non-giver to .......a giver.....maybe?  Or to grow or renew our ability to lend a paw......once in awhile?   I don't know either but I like it too.

Thanks for the big hug.  I needed it and felt it too.

And I'm going to pay more attention to people's eyes.  Mine are a bit watery right now but they'll liven up once they dry out a little.

Hung the laundry outside a few minutes ago and I love the way it waves in the's like watching a graceful ballet....

.......which helps me feel whimsical and carefree

like your horsies did (and I laughed out loud!!).

((((((((((((thankyou P))))))))))))

 :D Sela


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 04:10:34 PM »
Sela and Portia Brigid and Sugarre , So Lovely So beautiful are your words How dear your spirits !
   Quote Portia "I look at people on the street ,on the train etc.and watch for their eyes.So few people have alive eyes !Even young children have had their eyes dimmed ,you can see it so easily.But those who haven't...those are the ones I want to take to the park and feed the birds and play with the leaves and grass and watch the clouds"
   WOW  This thread means so much  .Thank you       Who needs coffee to wake up with words of beauty like this   
    Really Cool       
« Last Edit: April 19, 2006, 11:58:49 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 04:37:35 PM »
"It's been nice chatting with you" and I'm thinking......."chatting with me?  is that what that was?  it felt more like reading a novel real time.......'as it is written'.......or something...poor quality too."

Well, it is nice to see you have not lost your sense of humor.  I am sorry that you had that experience.  I have been there, believe me.  You asked a little while later how this scenario seems to repeat itself so often in your life.  I do not know your story, but wonder if you may have had this experience with someone of significance in your younger years. 

The real question, though, is how to break this cycle.  Do you think you might try stating something like, "I have been thinking about something significant and I was wondering...  Do you have time to listen and tell me what your take on this might be?" 

I think that it is just human nature that we are all a bit self-centered.  I wonder if a person would be a better listener if he or she was told in advance that you were anxiously awaiting a response.  Just thinking out loud.   

It leaves me feeling, at times, alone and regretful but I sure feel better about making authentic new friends.

As I get older, I notice this personally and hear it from my friends, too.  I wonder if this is an age thing.  I am much more cautious than I used to be.  Also, I used to say "I don't care what people think" a lot, but I really did care.  Today, I say those words and I really do mean them.  (Giggle).  Perhaps, I am just getting old and tired of the games. 

I would try to bring it up and she would change the subject. 

I have had people do this to me and (I confess) I have done this to people.  Several years ago I realized how often I was cutting people off in conversations.  I was mortified at how often I did this once I became aware of it.  It took some time to get over doing it because it was such a bad habit.  Maybe your friend was just selfish.  But, I did this to people I really cared about.  I wanted to tell you that sometimes this is just a bad habit, poor social skills...  I do not do this so much anymore.  Yippee for all my "silenced" friends!

Maybe from now on.......I'll choose better and not be so easily chosen??

Wow!!!  Very profound, Sela.  Thank you...

And there aren’t that many folks it seems who want real solutions and answers. Some appear happiest when they’re moaning and being a victim and if you suggest a way through – whoah! No thanks!

This has really bothered me for some time.  People seem to have such lethargic, medicated responses to life and its situations.  Why is this?  Some of these things really matter!   Yet, people seem to lack any kind of appropriate response.  Broken spirits?  Are we just so beat up that we fail to have access to appropriate responses to our own lives? 

As you say, more people than not seem preferable to a life filled with complaining rather than finding and initiating solutions.  I call these people the "Yeah, but'ers".  No matter how you cheer them on, no matter how many alternative solutions you provide, you will get the response, "Yeah, but..."  They have a stockpile of negative responses for a myriad of positive solutions. 

Change the way you see the world and you will change the world.

portia guest

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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 05:04:50 PM »
Sela, (((((((((Sela))))))))) just popping in to say ooooo-eeeee-oooo cha-choo-cha-choo shammashammmashamma  :D :D :D they are cute aren't they? I can see your washing now (swish swish). Good therapy. I have had deeper friendships here....more meaningful ones...than ever in 3D (thanks October for 3D) life. Learned so much  :oops: mainly through all my mistakes :D. Yeah. Hope you have sweet dreams tonight.

(((Moonlight))) will you come too please, to the park? We can take paints and paper and we and the kids can just let it rip :D excellent.

ANewSheriff, I've been listening quietly to you and I like your voice. The yeah but'ers. Mmm done a bit of that myself I'm sure. Being an angry victim (in my case) is quite comfortable and quite attractive, all that .... hashing the bad stuff and thinking 'it isn't fair'! 'Someone should save me!' Accepting that life isn't fair is very tough I think. I'm still struggling with it but each time I struggle, it feels like the fog of victim-ness rises faster. Make sense? But I know what you mean! Some it seems are obsessed with the darkness and don't want to see any light.

Night all, have a pleasant evening.


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2006, 12:13:27 AM »
Hey Portia

         Everyone loves a garden ,maybe  the kids will be watching the clouds and then checking out the rose brushes and

        honeysuckle bushes.Those kids and their wild imagination what do they see in the clouds,roses ,honeysuckle ?
        There are more and more people spiritually awakening, I have a lot of hope for the world.
        I think the park a lovely spot to put up my canvas I would love to let the kids paint !
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 01:12:19 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2006, 06:28:19 AM »
Wow, two stunning sets of words…

Is it possible that a nation can be narcissistic?

There are more and more people spiritually awakening, I have a lot of hope for the world.

I’m grappling with these thoughts.

What is the main objective of the people who govern us? Big question and I think there’s a difference between what a good government does and what the ideals are.

Constant increases in GDP seems to be the main objective in the US and UK. And in many other wealthier countries. We’re rich and we want to get richer right? I don’t agree. I don’t want to get richer at the expense of other people, other countries and at the expense of our natural, finite resources. Where does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs fit in the way we run our countries?

If we have national consciences, how can we continue making weapons and selling them to countries who want to fight each other, or oppress their own citizens? The arms industry is the largest ‘business’ in the world.

If we have consciences, how can we deny a possible link between the arms industry’s effects on other people, and the massive profits from pharmaceuticals sold to people who are recovering from the effects of war in those countries? The pharma business is the second largest in the world.

Maybe we could feed everyone first and then work out a sustainable world population. Move people from areas where the land and weather can’t sustain human life. Control reproduction and pollution (the first sorts out the second to an extent).

Maybe we’ll do it. Maybe someone is working on it right now. I don't know. Where can I find out? What publication do I need to get to find out?....

I have hope for the human race too. But on the other hand, it doesn’t matter (to the universe, the universe is neutral).

But I think we do need to stop being so greedy and wanting more for the sake of it. More stuff! Fridge magnets, strawberries at Christmas, bigger better bodies and longer lives…yeah, it’s narcissistic. We behave like children.

I have the feeling, based on my limited experiences and my place in time and space, that we’re reaching a crunch time, a time of change, but that’s probably just my own hopefulness (or childlike egocentricity in thinking that *now* is in any way important). I think we could go towards the kind of dystopia in Margaret Atwood’s ‘Oryx and Crake’ novel; or maybe we will get a lot meaner before we get kinder (growing humans for spare parts for the minority very rich, extending the lives of a few).

The idea of extending life is interesting and I don’t understand anyone’s wish to live longer than their contemporaries….(who do we have shared memories with? Who can we really talk to?)…but we’re seriously working towards it. I guess it’s because we can, but is it also some deep-rooted collective fear of death? Fear of death itself is … a lack of knowledge and understanding and an unwillingness to want to think about it….I guess. :? 

Anyway, I think it would be a good idea if we could agree, across the world, to redefine what we mean by ‘progress’ and ‘success’. And it would be fantastic if everyone who can vote does so and does so intelligently. Yeah I’m an optimist! :D

Thanks for those words…gave me a chance to work on some thoughts that are bubbling away these days……and what do you think?


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2006, 10:30:50 AM »
Hi all:

Hiya Anewsherrif:  Thankyou for your kind words.   I don't know if I can answer your question about having a similar experience with someone significant in my younger years or not.  I'll have to think about that.  My bet is, I probably did but to be honest.......I would have to sift through stuff in my head and pay attention using the info I now have and apply note of the past....from a new angle.  Not today.  Maybe another day.  :D

I think that it is just human nature that we are all a bit self-centered.  I wonder if a person would be a better listener if he or she was told in advance that you were anxiously awaiting a response.  Just thinking out loud.

I fail to see how asking someone who isn't listening to me to begin with for anything will amount to any change.  Actually, I have done that before (with other people) and found that not only do I not get what I want but by asking.....I have then given that person a new use against me.  This may not happen with  a "friend" but I guess I just don't feel like having those kinds of friendships anymore.......where I have to jump up and down just to be a circus clown.  I think my definition of frendship is changing and it's not that I don't want to give or sacrifice or even just be a sounding board sometimes for my friend.  It's that I don't want to do it......allllllllllllllllllllllllllll.........of the time.  That's just not friendship.  That's me letting myself be used and I don't like the way I've allowed that to happen.  So I guess......I'm trying to with the realization and the pain of  that realization......and next.......I bet I will be drifting away from such "friendships".

It's not a bad thing I think.

Ya Bean:  It does hurt and it does suck and thanks for validating those feelings.

Their are kind people everywhere.  Now you'll have more time to notice them.

I'm with you.  I don't want to lose my faith in people.  I do believe there are plenty of kind people..........capable of real the world.  I will have to make more of an effort to notice them.

Hey Teartracks: 
Is it possible that a nation can be narcissistic?

I'm thinking this is really nothing new.  It's not like the world is getting any less N than it has ever been eh?  I mean, in the past....societies were pretty archaic.  I'm not sure that whatever feeds our Nism, as a society, is all that much different from whatever fed that Nism, in the past......our vanity, our desire for "wealth" (whatever that is/was...for the time period)......our focus on ourselves......first.....the poor, the weak, the decrepit......last, our longing for success/power etc.  I think it's quite possible that not only our nation but many nations of the world have been saturated with Nism and will continue to be so throughout time, unless something comes along that works better and dries all the Nishness up.  Could that happen?  Maybe?  I doubt it.

Hiya P:
Maybe we could feed everyone first and then work out a sustainable world population. Move people from areas where the land and weather can’t sustain human life. Control reproduction and pollution (the first sorts out the second to an extent).

Maybe we’ll do it. Maybe someone is working on it right now. I don't know. Where can I find out? What publication do I need to get to find out?....

I'm tempted to say:  "The bible" (not being rude......just that maybe if everyone read it.....paid attention to the lessons there......tried to live something close to what it seems to be basically trying to communicate ......maybe if everyone got "the main message".....well.......who knows eh? would take more than reading......there would actually need to be action taken.....after reading......that would make the difference, I think).

What you're describing and hoping for seems like something akin to this world becoming something like heaven.......where everyone is cared for and equal and loved and respected......including small creatures and all things natural.   Who's to say it could never happen here?  Not me.

...but is it also some deep-rooted collective fear of death? Fear of death itself is … a lack of knowledge and understanding and an unwillingness to want to think about it….I guess.

I bet you're right.  I bet this is especially right for some who believe this is it......there is no life after this.  It only makes sense that they should want to make it last as long as possible......if things are going fairly well for them eh?  And the thing about death is that it is very painful for some people.   Who looks forward to a long, slow, agonizing death?   Not what anyone wants (unless they're all s&m'y and I'm not going there).  So ya....extend life.....make it last........hold onto youth........fear death....all go hand in hand with.......this is it, I think, a lot of the time.

To be honest....I think the animal in us......prevents us from losing our Nism.  Maybe it's a necessary element of survival in this world?  Or at least......maybe our brains have come to depend on it, genetically speaking sort of......that Nism?    In other words......without any type of Nism......think of how gentle, serene, sweet, loving, kind, generous, selfless, angelic....etc people would be?  A bit like heaven eh?  (Or my heavenly picture anyway).

I would be nice.  Even ridding some of it.....decreasing it.......would make this a nicer place to live.  I like your hope and your optimism!  You hang onto those!!  It's what helps to bring about change, I think.

And it can be contagious too.

 :D Sela


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2006, 01:10:28 PM »
Portia   Yes sir sure looks like everything stinks that is true.So why are we all here at this time on planet Earth? We all ready figured out freewill, so it us. We are here to do "something".Then what is it.From what I see it is a  growth process almost like giving  birth.Bringing a new humanity to Earth to work together,
no one said it would be easy nothing worthwhile is easy.I think we have passed crunch time but no one noticed .Maybe we are are on a healthy path even tho it may not seem that way. But we will figure it all out.Yes there are too many dumb fridge magnets and for what? I do not live in Lalaland I see the problems of the world.I just am not a DOOM and
GLOOM person thats all.I believe mankind will find  the solutions to each problem we need to address.I do not want to feed into the global fear .My husband and I have a co. our company is doing environmental research .We are hooked up with other companies ,(some of them international All these small companies together can make for positive change)
of like minds there is a lot of very hopeful new research going on to solve ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS of all kinds ,OIL PROBLEMS(fuel cells,solar)etc. that are coming soon which will lessen political problems .So I do feel planet Earth will get Thur this "birthing " stage and we we solve our own problems.When mankind finds his own divine soverity then mankind will not need government....................I am not anti war I am pro peace
The fear of death thing I do not have it And there is only 1 person that still scares me as ...............silly as that is ............n-dad
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 09:52:47 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2006, 04:26:14 PM »
I do not want to feed into the global fear .My husband and I have a co. our company is doing environmental research .


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2006, 07:19:30 AM »
Hops, seconded. Thank you Moon and Hubby.

Sela, hiya

our focus on ourselves......first.....the poor, the weak, the decrepit......last,

yah! It’s how we’re built, I’m convinced of it! BUT, as we get richer and we have time to think as opposed to merely survive, that’s when we can start to look around and care for the wider world. It starts with our immediate neighbourhood, our bigger ‘tribe’, our state, our country and on to encompass all people…and animals and eventually, the planet. If we spend time thinking and educating our children to think, then yes, there is lots of hope. Moon has given me more hope with her words!

I honestly think we can evolve out of narcissism. It’s all about taking the power away from the power-hungry and using the collective voice to instigate changes, maybe. The internet is wonderful for breaking down the barriers between countries and peoples. Hello China! Etc.

What you're describing and hoping for seems like something akin to this world becoming something like heaven.......where everyone is cared for and equal and loved and respected......including small creatures and all things natural.

Utopia? I’ll be joining the JWs next! JOKE. No, to get to some sustainable life, there would have to be very difficult conversations between countries and very difficult decisions made. People will suffer. And I don’t want utopia either, that would be boring. We need something to strive for, I just think maybe, just maybe, we can have a collective striving. I’ve always said pure socialism would never work because we are inherently selfish….but …….that’s one heck of a challenge eh? And we humans love a challenge! :D

The language we use shapes our thinking -

Who looks forward to a long, slow, agonizing death?

To me death is the tiny moment when we step from ‘alive’ to ‘not alive’. Death isn’t a process: it’s simply breathing – not breathing. Pain on the other hand is what I fear most. Not existing doesn’t bother me. Pain bothers me a lot. So we need to give everyone pain relief. We can do that. We need to be a little less in love with staying alive and a little more accepting that one day we won’t exist. I think. Getting rid of the fear of death (and of pain if we can) frees us to live! To enjoy the day.

I do read bits of scripture sometimes. I like a lot of what Jesus said. I don’t like a lot in the Bible, especially the anti-women and anti-children stuff. It’s too ancient for me, generally. I like facts, science, new stuff. I like what I know of the man (and I don't know much) who wrote this and I wonder if that link will fit on the page? I know all facts are subject to change, but heck, we work with what we’ve got right now. There’s theoretical and there’s practical!


I’m not all doom and gloom either, I’m a bit too rational most days for my own liking. But I loved your post. I read it last night and went to bed thinking wow. Just ‘wow!’. People like you restore any faith I might have temporarily lost in the human species. :D Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2006, 08:41:07 AM by Portia »


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Re: I lost my singing voice when I saw my friends were N's....
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2006, 10:48:10 AM »
Portia ,My hubby is a scientist along with a great gang down at the "plant",really my hubby's an inventor.He quit a job working for big cooperation making Night vision goggles, see in the dark goggles. He was an optics engineer but the thing was there are 2 uses for the goggles and one happens to be military,so he wanted out.we started our own co.he designs water purification systems ULTRA PURE systems used for many things that are good for planet earth used for labs , university's, hospitals ,medical purposes. Also he works on the environmental research
My job at the co. is quite lofty indeed I have done art work for ads,swept up the floors ,shipping, answered phones ,paperwork and as the day goes on I like to keep things lite hearted I am the comic relief sort of.
The Earth is so very important ,all of us everyone of are so important some have taken a rocky road
 I believe mankind has a wonderful future ahead.Yes we have a lot of problems but we are not going to blow ourselves up or any thing.
Death I am not afraid of it there are too many I love dearly on the other side" waitin up yonder
Picasso that man was soooooooooooo afraid of death and he was such a nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and he was so mean to women and to his children! Then look at the life of Matisse so sweet and dear the 2 most talented artists of the 20th century Matisse I do not imagine had such a fear of death.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2006, 07:52:13 PM by moonlight52 »