Thanks ANS! If I'm in the gym I'll watch.
I absolutely loathe 'the good doctor', his over-simplications and sound-byte diagnostics and cutie-pie family solutions make me want to puke.
( ~Am I allowed to say that here?!
I know it goes against the grain of most of America... )
But maybe he'll tackle Nism in one fell swoop by stating he is one, and he's off to therapy?
Just a thought....
PUKE. GAG. Throwing up. Doing allllll the things I always ever wanted to do.
Do watcha ike. As you as you don't.........

Care for a dance?
I was so laden with all teh antibiotics, that I was in a tizzy all day esterday. I was SO fed up that I just came here to delete my account. Then I opened my eyes and what did I see....lo and behold.....the map of the United States of America!!!!!!!! The GREATEAST country the in wholllllle world! A gift from the Universe, really...
It's my party, I'll cry if I wanna..........

I think I may have some free frequent flyer miles to visit certain cancerous "relatives." Well, at least folks in UK wear the right color of shirt; not that anyone has seen me around here in a shirt for a long time....

SHIt. SHit. Shit. hsit. ssshit.
THat felt gooood.
God bless America. I am a New Yoooooorrrrrrker. Sometimes I reallllllly feel like, yes yes yes!, I am god's greatest gift to mankind too.
I am PROUD to be an AMerican and love every single bloody American.
I solemnly promise I will never burn the flag and won't binge again for a hile...
I solemnly bow to Minerva aka det sup. Your wits are next only to Rudy Giuliani's.
"I discovered, though, that once having given a pig an enema there is no turning back, no chance of resuming one of life's more stereotyped roles."
-- EB White