Author Topic: Resources for Rape and Sexual Abuse Survivors  (Read 2748 times)

Sallying Forth

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Resources for Rape and Sexual Abuse Survivors
« on: April 19, 2006, 10:17:58 AM »
I know several times people have asked if there are any good web sites for these resources. I stumbled on one about 3 weeks ago. As a result I found an excellent forum where there is support and wonderful informative links.

One link is for rape by husband or partner: is the forum site

At the top of the page for the forum site are several links to other sites which are quite helpful.
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Re: Resources for Rape and Sexual Abuse Survivors
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 06:19:45 PM »
Wow Saillying Fourth, thank you for this great site!!!

One thing that I haven't really seen much of... and maybe I haven't purused resources enough... is info on what the healing process looks like for something like rape... in my case the rape by an intimate.
Of course it's different from everyone, happens at a different rate and in different ways... I guess I would be interested if anyone has any wisdom...
Like I tried this method of trauma therapy called EMDR which I think was helpful
But still occasionally I have nightmares, or I cry in my sleep. Sometiems I still think about it, and get a little depressed and angry...
I write poetry, and I think that helps.  I think articulating the story helps... talking to other survivors....
I wish there were phases that you could count on like "the 8 stages of rape grief" or something where I could say ok "I'm here"  What do I need to do to get to the next sep in healing... when will I be whole.... is there such a thing anyway? 
Would love y'alls wisdom.  Peace, Sj


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Re: Resources for Rape and Sexual Abuse Survivors
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 06:16:59 PM »
Dear Sj,
I am SO sorry you were brutalized.

I Googled "healing from rape trauma" and found this site, which seems very thoughtful. I hope it helps you. I have faith you will heal, and not give over much more of your life to that trauma.


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