Author Topic: New Here  (Read 1883 times)


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New Here
« on: January 17, 2004, 03:37:08 AM »
Hi everyone,
I'm Christine (Chris) and my username is dharmanature. I just joined and look forward to seeing discussions on the issues around "voicelessness" and what can happen emotionally as a result. I don't know if any of you have ever been "voiceless" in therapy but I was not long ago and felt very steamrolled. I am not very assertive and it was just impossible to get my shrink to see that she didn't give me a chance to express and be "heard". I left feeling even more depressed. Not being heard still happens now frequently as a 39 year old adult and I often blame myself for that - I am really hard on myself. Maybe this is common. I'd love to hear from anyone here. Peace and be well, Chris.


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New Here
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2004, 12:59:41 PM »
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the board.  How frustrating to have a "therapist" who doesn't hear you!  you might want to consider changing therapists...

On this board on page 2 (or 3?), there is a discussion thread about Is My Therapist a Narcissist, down towards the bottom.  Hope it's helpful.  Read that, and then if you have more questions, post away!  There are lots of people here who have been in the same shoes.  

Best, S.