Oh, MAN. That was like coming home to a PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so very much all you techo-talented people, and prosaci posters (like meself too).
I can tell you this made me smile all over. It was a lovely birthday. Hardest part was tearing myself away to go, and I'm glad I went!
Thanks, MovinON, Portia, H&H, Gratitude, Mum, Seasons, Plucky, Moon, Sherrif, ReallyMe, Storm...
and ... ahhh, Sela. Sela, you okay there????

maybe a little surgery (laparoscopic procedure to insert a "spring" widget into a disk...but basically, it's an evaluation to see if I need that or not yet or not at all. Will keep y'all posted. Biggest concern is 6-8 weeks' recuperation, what to do with old Mom? I have 3 slipped disks from stoooooopid heavy lifting--incuding both my parents when they were ill. But I first hurt it all on my stupid own in my 20s, since then it's been vulnerable to re-injury.)