I thought we could all use some humor, here, and since I share my life with teenagers, and since they exasperate me no end sometimes, and since the best way I have found to difuse the dramatic energy they seem to leave in their trail around here is to share with other parents who can RELATE and then LAUGH at the absurdity....well, thus this thread.
I will also admit, it is particularly about teenage girls, because in my own experience, my son will just go in his room and shut the door when he is off kilter, sparing us his feelings until he has an announcement to make about them and/or has already come to a decision....but my daughter (who, as you know is going through a lot right now, anyway) will pick on the most minute things to bitch about:
"must you do that?" "why are you looking at me?" "Do you have to stand near me?' "You're so annoying".....and then, "can you do this or that for me, I love you so much, etc...."
AAAAAGGGGHHHH. If I were invisible she would tell me to show up, if I were quiet, she would question why and if I spoke up, she would tell me I talk to much!!! OH< and when I laugh a little (because it is so crazy making), God help me!!
If you have read anything about teenage girls, you know this is how they stay connected....by being argumentative. It gets them two things they need: a demonstration of their autonomy, and the reassurance that they still have an effect, in particular on their mothers. The best book I have read on this (and teenagers in general) is Wolf's "Get out of My LIFE, but first will you drive me and Cheryl to the Mall". That kind of sums it up.
Anywho.....I thought some of you might have some good teenager stories to share...I promise I won't call your kid a brat if you don't call mine the same (and I should add, my kids are AWESOME, very respectable, etc.....but NORMAL!!!!UUUGGGG)
I'll start. When putting my hand on the back of the passenger seat, in order to back out of the driveway, she says: "Why did you touch me? Did you have to touch me?"