Hi All,
I need a bit of advice here. Quick (I hope) background. Just to let you know about me a bit, I have a Master's degree and am highly efficient. I have worked a lot of different jobs as my husband is in the military and we move around a lot. I have never been turned down for a job, and I am always highly respected. I have had a lot of crazy bosses, but I am in a nice job now with a nice boss who is kind in a fatherly way. My mother has already asked me "Is he married?" when I was talking about my job. I just received a fabulous review of my perfomance and a raise. The performance review comes from HQ, a contracting company in the states. Of course, my mother wrties and says, "How nice that you got a commendation. I know your boss likes you." Does this sound odd to you? I want to explain what I have told you... that it is my company that wrote my review and that I will always be able to find a job w/them/etc.... but I also feel like... what's the bother, as she will never respect me anyways.
The other thing, which I mentioned before was where she is defensive now because I asked how she was doing and said I hadn't heard from them in a while. Now I get, "oh, I was just going to write to you." And this weekend, "You didn't write this week (I did... twice)." It's like she's starting some game now and I never meant anything by it. Am I reading too much into this all again?
The reason I keep contact with her, honestly, is so that I can be in touch with my dad. I really think I am going to tell him this summer when I see them that I can't keep this up. I will explain that it is just too hurtful He knows when she is being mean and he gets her to back off, but I don't need to deal with this.
Thanks for the listen all.
Love, Beth