Hi Portia,
What I read was:
it'd be impossible for me to relate to people or respond to a situation outside of that framework.Like I said, I’m outside that framework, so I take it that it would be impossible for you to relate to me. We are however talking now, but that isn’t necessarily relating is it?
Thank you for clarifying! Reading your last post, I had a sense that you were "writing me off" as "just another Christian". I can already see that this is going to be excellent practice of "saying what you mean and meaning what you say". This isn't the first time it's come to my attention that I'm often mistaken in thinking that I've made myself clear when actually a person would have to be a mindreader to get my point ~ lol.
Anyhow, I'll attempt to make my "framework" remark more clear. This framework is not a box into which I mentally place other individuals, for the purpose of deciding whether or not I'm interested in them or can possibly interact with them. My view is that we each share a common bond in simply being human beings. Beyond that, I believe that we are each made in the image of God, which in and of itself gives each person both great value and enormous potential. Please note that I realize you and others may have different views and I'm not trying to present mine as the only right one... just sharing where I'm coming from. Rather, this framework is my own frame of reference... that pool, so to speak, into which I dip my cup whenever I'm thirsty (and dealing with people makes me very thirsty

) That pool in my life is Jesus, as I've come to know Him as the living water. I used to be very shy and preferred to stay in my shell rather than try to communicate with anyone. There was so much I didn't understand that it seemed I would never be able to feel like anything but an oddball. That's changed alot since my dealings with the narcissists in my life. By the time my ex husband was finished with me, I could barely stumble through a sentence without fading off into oblivion. I'd become so accustomed to having my words twisted and turned that it hardly seemed worthwhile to attempt to express anything. At the end, there was nothing left in me to express, as far as I could tell. He used me up. My certain conviction is that if it weren't for God, I'd be dead. When you're drowning and suddenly a hand reaches out to pull you to safety, it seems natural for that person to become the recipient of your undying gratitude. When that same person puts your feet on solid ground and begins to help you rebuild your life, giving you a new identity, a new security in a world full of uncertainty and pain, well... for me, that's resulted in a deep desire to build a deeper relationship with my Saviour and it's made Him the framework from which I operate. Perhaps I should say Source and drop the "framework", since I can see the clarity slipping away by the minute here.
I didn’t say anything about receiving anything from you. I may well receive something, I don’t know. Just reading you might help me understand something better. I try to be open-minded about what I read, but not "so open-minded that my brains drop out", if you see what I mean. (That’s using a Richard Dawkins quote.)
Great quote! Guess I'd better find out who Richard Dawkins is/was
I dunno either what any of us might receive from each other, but I'm hopeful. And for me it's wonderful to simply be able to have a voice. I'm still in the process of learning how to stop being fearful of people and sliding back into avoidance mode. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express some things here and for taking the time to respond. I think that friendship can begin at that point where people stop talking "at" each other and begin honestly communicating without trying to constantly drive home a point. But what do I know? heh Have a great day 