Hey y'all,
Thanks for the input. Keep 'em coming! Yea, unfortunately, you see..Mr. Manipulator has made his way into grandma's heart. She sort of fancy's him as her personal caretaker, and to be honest, I think she sorta fancies him like a significant other. Yuk. People keep asking if we think he is being sexual with her...ay yi yi. So she's all for the bank account changes cuz she thinks he's all that. So mom has no position to do all that acct number changing. Right now she's buying time to not sign the other one off... The bank, however, is tuned in, and they DID indeed call my mom.. but it's odd, it's like the bankers, the lawyers, the county, the State, the police.. it's sorta like, "yea, we'll keep our eye on it." Then when he makes another move, they sorta go, "oh well, it's her choice." What are they watching out for? So those elderabuse websites, I know them inside and out...practically did the work for the lawyer, made a timeline of all inappropriateness going on, how much $$ and stuff he has acquired, his lies, his lack of never having a job the 20 years we've known him, relatives of his saying he has done this before..tons of stuff...found some work on objectively profiling his manipulative behaviors, but it appears unless GRANDMA decides she doesn't want to play anymore, nothing to be done, and we cannot speak for her. He'd be so easy to uncover in court. It's almost like lawyers wont shut the youknowhatup long enough to really GET IT. They start telling you why you can't do something before you have the whole story out..and this guy's tricky, so there's lots to tell. Had my mom conned for 20 years! That comment about that page being ridiculous, well that was exactly my experience, and we had the attorney in the county who was the chairman of the Vulnerable Adult Task Force. The biggest thing she did was tell us we did the right thing, and write a letter to grandma's atty/accountants giving them a heads up..so they can all keep watching. what's up with that? she told me not to lose my passion. great.
So, at this point, it doesn't appear that we can count on any help from the legal system cuz they want the element present that grandma doesn't like him anymore. She would defend him. She thinks he's God, and we are apparently in no position to stand for her, becuz she's "of sound mind." Nuts.
I started looking around online for folks like you to see if I could get some input about how to get after this personality. Me thinks a nastygram telling him all the laws he's violating will do the trick. Hey, HE doesnt know we cant get help!! If you just read the laws..he's screwed. Obtaining the money he has under false pretenses, which he has done, is a felony-I for starters. Seems a con artist would shy from the legal system. I feel confident that if I roll out enough of his b.s. and expose it that he'd find another playground. Tell him to come up with a one final lie to tell her about how he suddenly needs to move to NY to pursue one of his businesses that he's lied about. This is a hot find for him, however! lol Hard to find a rich 95-year-old with a passive daughter who hates confrontation. Nice breeding ground for him.
My deepest fantasy is that vision of handcuffs, but hell if I can figure out how to make that happen, I would in a New York minute. It's not like we're attached to it all being peachy for grandma, we just don't want to make a big mess that gets us nowhere. I saw another resource that said just sue him.. for anything.. to get him in court to get heard. But again, s'not my financial loss, so what could I sue him for?
I don't care about recouping anything. I just want him GONE..yesterday. ok i'm babbling.
Ooops.. new reply. My brother and I went to talk to her. Hardly got 2 words out.. She screamed horrifically... had a chest pain attack, had to call the nurse. A big scene. The first replier here is likely right on..don't try to deprogram grandma. I think it's beyond our scope. The guy is a MASTER. She said he is wonderful. He does EVERYthing for her. He does. She told my brother to get me out of there and mind my own business. My brother told her that we are very concerned that he is taking advantage of her. She was having a FIT, crying, yelling at me, "See what you've done to me!!" Yes he has access to everything. He has taken over everything. He takes her to the doctor. He does everything. She only has one other relative in town, a cousin...the rest are in California. (We're in Oregon-she's in Washington-across the river from us. Yes, everyone everywhere knows the story... the care home.. doctors, the works. Everyone always says something like.. face scrunched up...who IS that guy? There's something about him that is just odd.. suspicous.. weird antisocial skills. Just more people "watching." This idiot ALWAYS makes a new move when she is going into the hospital...always. She told my mother to go away and never come back. Recently she did call and ask to see her.. and did even ask her to come this next week to stay w/her after eye surgery. She is angry at my mother because "she made her go blind," and that's why nutcase is so wonderful. HE follows UP on things!! My mother didn't follow-up on a medication that had the wrong dose. Ridiculousness.